Princes and Empty Missions - 16

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"I have come to lead you to the other shore; into eternal darkness; into fire and into ice."

          - Dante.

Princes and Empty Missions- 16

Affairs of A Knight Chapter 16.


She walked out of his room and towards the dining, shock still lacing her blood. She did not know he had it in him, the polite coldness that only esteemed members of the peerage had managed to master fueled his voice as he cast her out of his room.

Ungrateful bastard. 

She had gotten him that room and he dared to send her out? He should be kneeling at her feet in thanks, did he think that without her training, his sword would have even kissed the air near Elises? She was scowling deeply when someone barked her name.

"Louis!" The commander barked sharply, "A moment" 

He closed the door behind her and her body tensed instinctively.

"Prince Herbert was found knocked out cold and sporting a purple bruise on his forehead. In your chambers." He paused. "Any sins to confess?"

Her eyes narrowed in confusion.

"Why was he found in my chambers?"

Kimble glared. "You tell me."

"I do not—"

"Look, Louis, don't play that game with me.  I know you detest the Prince because of his…predatory actions-" he was using the very same words she had used when she thought it right to report the Prince and his roaming hands to the master commander.

She had been told to avoid him like she went around looking for the deranged prince. It had taught her something valuable; she was the only person that could protect herself. The others that tried—or rather, claimed to do it had either failed her or demanded a price she couldn't pay.

Her mind drifted briefly to Aline.

He thought she should be grateful? No. There was no need for gratitude, she knew men like him who swore to do things for the common good yet lie in wait, plotting disaster.

He had not come out of the goodness of his bloody heart, no. He wanted something. They always did. All she had to do was either see if she could pay his fee or discover a damning secret of his that would keep him at her mercy.

Oh wait, she already had that. All she need do was let her mouth loose in front of the usurper.

In this castle, secrets were gold, weaknesses were the traded commodity, and if a deficiency was discovered, your demise would follow soon after.

"—I can't protect you if I do not know what happened." Kimble finished.

"I did nothing. Not this time at least. I spent the night with Aline, you could confirm from him and the servants."

He glanced at her dubiously. She was not exactly known to be...receptive.

"I will confirm from him, but if the Prince accuses you—"

"I shall repeat the truth. I have not been in my chambers, I spent the night with the new Knight of First Order. In celebration."

"Very well. You may go." She nodded.

"And Sir Louis?" She paused. "If he tries to bother you again, I will get him banned from this wing. have any problems, please come to me, it may not look like it, but I try to protect you all."

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