Chapter 1- Live Or Die.

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Henry IV Part 1

Thy life’s a miracle.”

Affairs Of A Knight. (1)

Copyright @ Raldineviv.


Her boots thumped confidently on the cold floors and echoed through the empty corridors, her hair sleek and tight, held steady although the strands danced like the tail of a running horse.

The chain mail was covered with iron plates of armor, a shield to protect the body from external damage. 

Her face was grim, like a woman who hadn't a reason to rejoice and at her back, was strapped two samurai bowing swords, and a bow. In the thick of her rather heavy armor was a deposition of well placed arrows and knives. Right at the back of her neck lay an item, of which if found, would lead to her death but didn't make her relent in it's carriage. An impossibly small crossbow, fashioned by her father's blacksmith and given by her father.

It stood for her heritage. 

Three lions. One at the top, with a paw extended and two below, holding what could be seemingly defined as flags..

It carried the crest of old Northumbria. 

Northumberland. Her home. 

Her fingers tightened against the long sword hanging from her waist, she was going to take it back.

She would recover all they had lost.

But first, she had to find the bloody son of the late king. 

She fixed her face as she saw the edge of the throne room  and hid the anger. Anger was no good here, it would get you killed. Rationality was key.

She took a deep breath and made a sharp turn.

"Oy! Louis, where have you been?!" Sir Alwyn asked.

A fat smile that one would have thought impossible slid to her face.

"Doing women thing Allwy" she winked. He shook his head, "Come and stand at your place, they are about to Knight him"

"It's a him?" She asked, a little bit disappointed and hopeful.

"By jove it's a him. Female knights don't happen everyday Louis"

The throne room had been magnificently transformed from a serious, wicked place where lives were debated, fates of men were decided and  decisions that both ruined and made lives were taken—to a positively festive and lavish room. 

The decorations were stunning, but she still didn't forget—she couldn't. 

The man sitting at the very front and beginning was wrong. He was the man that ruined everything yet, here she was; his guard dog. 

She didn't let her disgust show, she was too careful and too smart for that. Oliver Cromwell, might be a cruel and almost ruthless leader, but he was highly intelligent and observant.

He would smell her disgust across the room and have her hanged. And her death couldn't otherwise restore the duchy could it? So instead, she smiled and fell into place between Alwyn and Leonard, forming the perfect line protecting the King and the heir apparent. 


The room fell to a hush as the..king stood.

"Lords and Ladies of England! We have gathered here today, to once more add to our growing military! As we all know, a country with a weak military is a country that is weak. And I detest weakness neither would I rule a country with one. So join me, as we welcome one knight! Who has managed to survive the difficulties in the test of Knighthood. Not only do I welcome him to join our finest swordsmen, I also grant him a place in my house as he has none."

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