An Eye for an Eye-and more-3

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The moment there is suspicion about a person's motives, everything he does becomes tainted.

- Mahatma Gandhi

Affairs Of A Knight- 3

" On your knees"


"I'll hate to repeat myself baby"

He scoffed. "You can't do that"

She stilled. "Pardon?"

He straightened and crossed his arms. "I said, you can't do that"

She laughed. A full blown laughter, making her buckle, turning to face him, her laughter died.

"I can't do that?" She mimicked, incredulous. 

She tore the soaked shirt of her body, feeling her skin rupture, she threw him the bloody shirt.

"What about this eh? You did this—" she pointed at her back, "—and now you tell me what I can and cannot do?"

His mouth hung open, she saw a flicker of guilt and regret. 

"I didn't know—"

"I told you to FUCKING STAY OUT OF TROUBLE! And what is the first thing you do when you get here, hm? You challenge a knight of the bloody first order! Of COURSE you knew what you were doing, do not feed me that bullshit."

His eyes were wide at her display of temper.

"Now, I shall not repeat myself baby, get on your useless knees" she said calmly, sounding like she didn't loose her marbles few seconds ago.

He was adamant. "I'm sorry, but I can't—"

She struck. Hitting his face with her elbow and marching his right knee down, effectively sweeping him off his feet and right into his knees.

He growled in pain. 

"Listen to me youngling, I am in charge of your life. Nobody outside this room actually cares if you live or die. I decide that. So I'll advice, if you want to keep breathing, you do as I say...otherwise, you should be reciting the rosary, for it would be your last." She finished, walking further into her room, to her dressing table. 

She pulled open her cupboards, looking for her healing ointment and clean clothes. 

"Why do you treat me like this?!" He demanded, almost sounding pained.

Louis scoffed. Her back was killing her.

"What is my crime?"

God, he was really that obnoxious, was he? What sort of family raised such a brat?

"I didn't do anything. That man—Elises—"

"Sir Elises" she corrected coldly. 

Improper titles—and lack of use of appropriate ones were seen as a heinous crime around her.

"—Sir Elises, demanded that I stand from the table where I sat first and find another place to sit. I refused. Said I was not his slave to order about. He laughed, and tried to shove me out of the table. I shoved him off. He struck, I retaliated." He narrated.

"What wrong did I do? I was not about to let him just bully me? Besides, I remain on my knees only because I feel bad and partially responsible for your back." He said haughtily.

Louis slammed the cupboard close; she had just had it with this self-absorbed twat.

She went to him, looking down on him.

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