play date part 2

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Inky saw that claus was heating up and quickly got him a glass of water.

Inky: "im so so sorry if the question made you uncomfortable here I got you some water"

Claus took the water and drank it and for some reason it cooled him down quickly.

Claus: "n-no no it's ok!! Haha don't worry inky!"

Just then inky thought of something and ran out the room Lucas looked at Claus and claus already knew what he was going to say.

Claus: "I swear to god-".

Lucas: "So claus.....I see you like chilling with your 'friend'.

Claus: "SHUT U-".

Just then they heard high heels walking closer to the room the door opened only to find Angelo (inkys mom) they sat back on the floor and inky sat down next to claus.

Angelo: "hello again sweet peas! I helped inky pick out a board game and some snacks I'll just place them down here".

As Angelo placed down the stuff she walked out of the room "have fun sweetie pies" and closed the door.

Inky: "I thought we can play monopoly not to flex but I'm kind of a pro at it just ask my little bro! Now let's get started.

They started playing monopoly for a while and inky won 2 times, Lucas won 1 time and claus won 3 so claus was the winner at monopoly. Inky started laughing and clapped.

Inky: "You're more of a pro then I am im impressed! You're so so smart clausy hahaha!!"

Claus felt his heart race Clausy!? Was that a new nickname for him? Probably is or probably isn't but he still liked the idea of it he then saw lucas giving him a smirk and claus got a little embarrassed.

Lucas: well that was a fun game I never knew claus can be good at a board game or any board game for that  matter he mostly loses at them lol.

Inky: I have a great idea!! How about we have a sleepover it will be AWSOME we can play more games! Watch scary movies or non scary movies if you like and we can have fun!!.

Claus and lucas thought for a moment before coming to a decision that they would sleepover.

Lucas: "sure but the only problem is that you have a double bed that can only fit 2 people"

Inky: "don't worry you're blond head! We have a guest room the only thing is that it has one bed so I don't know if one of you guys wants to sleep in there"

Lucas: "hmmm I guess I can sleep in the guest ro-"

Inky: "oh dammit I forgot there's actually 2 beds!"

Inky then gets the 2nd bed from the other side of the room and places it near the other bed

Inky:"there we go! We always have two beds in case!"

Part 3 soon!
(Yes I did changed it up a bit lol)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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