recess pt.2

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Inky started giggling. Ninten meant it as a insult not a joke he got annoyed
Ninten: "You idiot!!! it's supposed to be an insult! Are you stupid?!"
Inky got fed up with Ninten and fuel.

Inky: "I'm tired of your stuff! Ugh im leaving this was a mistake!"
inky threw her food away crossed her arms and left.

Claus: "i-inky wait don't listen to them come back!"
But sadly inky already left the cafeteria to go to the playground

Claus tried to find inky for 3 minutes and found her by the swings she saw Claus and waved at him Claus walked up to inky and as he was ready to speak inky interrupted him.

Inky: "thank you for trying to stand up for me I really do appreciate I just have to cool down a bit"

Claus: "yea they're such idiots would you like some company?" Inky thought for a moment before coming to a decision

Inky: "sure! If it's your company I don't mind!." Claus felt his face blush and then sat on the grass. He looked up at the sky and zoned out but then an idea popped up into inkys head she bonked Claus on the head with a stick and instantly snapped Claus back into reality.

Inky: "hey Claus wanna have a play date or maybe a sleepover? Or!! An actual date!! Soon!" Claus got red as a tomato really quick

Inky started laughing very hard and almost fell off of the swing. Claus got kinda confused Inky finally stopped laughing and looked at Claus.

Inky: "you dummy! We only just met! But it would be nice to have a play date with you and your brother soon!!"
Inky got off the swings to give Claus a high five but then heard a voice "how cute you love birds"
Lucas walked up to inky and claus
Lucas: "So you guys have alot in common huh?"

Inky: "yea I've been thinking maybe we can have a play date soon?"

Lucas: "that's sounds amazing!! Maybe on the weekend?" (It was wensday)

Inky: "if you guys aren't doing anything on the weekend then sure!" Inky looked at Claus and blushed a bit.

Then the bell rang
Inky started to pack her bag "I gotta go see ya!!" Inky went to hug Claus tightly "thanks for standing up for me!" And ran to her next class
Claus was blushing
Lucas: "Claus has a crush!"
Claus: "SHUT UP!!!"

inky x claus Where stories live. Discover now