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"Dude, come on, what's wrong?" Damien asks for the 100th time.

"As I said, I do not want to talk about it," I reply, looking out the window.

"Did she crack a male joke that threatened your masculinity?" Charles asks.


"Did she touch your stuff?" Damien asks, "She nosy?"




"Then what the fuck is it Xander?" they all yell.

Ring, ring.

Thank you, Lord, for your timing.


"Hello, this is Chantel speaking,"

"Chantel, hi, how are you?"

"I'm good, look, I'm just going to cut straight to the point, I know what you saw with Miss Abrahams, and I'd like to apologize on their behalf,"

"What are you their PR now?" I spit.

"I understand you're upset, and I would like to make it right, over dinner, let's talk about this, please Mr Forsythe," she begs.

"I – I don't –

"Sir, please, I'll pay for everything, and they don't need to know that we had the meeting, okay?"

Everything inside me tells me to say no but I also want to hear what she has to say about this whole thing, maybe she's just as upset and disgusted as I am.

"Alright, meet me at Something's Cooking at seven, sharp,"

"Thank you so much, sir,"

"Yeah sure," I reply and hang up.

I can't believe I'm doing this.

"So, who was that?" Charles asks with a smirk.

"I'm having a private meeting with Chantel tonight," I say.

Charles gasps, "Like a date?"

"What happened to your date with Nikki?"


"She cancelled it," I lie.

"Bet, so she could go down on Aiden," Charles snickers.

"Dante," Damien scolds.

The car comes to a stop and immediately get out and walk to the lobby, I completely shut everyone out as I get into the elevator to our apartment, I don't know whether I'm heartbroken, angry, sad, jealous, or disappointed. I was about to risk a lot for this woman, and she proves herself to be just like the rest of them, I was starting to like her, but she just had to ruin it and I blame Aiden.

We get to the apartment, and I put my briefcase on the kitchen counter and walk over to the table, pouring myself a glass of whiskey.

"Xander, I just heard something really interesting," Charles says as he sits on the couch.

"And what is that?"

"You caught dear Nikki and Aiden making out in her office,"

I freeze, how the hell did he that information, right I forget who Charles is sometimes, my nosey, spying, no good best friend.

"Yeah, so?"

"That's why you were upset in the car, you're jealous," he says.

"Me? Jealous, don't be ridiculous,"

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