Albus' Awakening

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Albus got his soulmark.

At first he was like, yay, fucking finally!

Then he was like, are you kidding me?

His soulmark was a piece of parchment and a peacock quill with streams of ink enveloping the two. How fucking generic is that? Heck, all of Ravenclaw is an option! And a few other swots in the year. If he didn't know better, he would have thought that Rose was his soulmate. She was a straight 'O' student after all.

Then his mind bounced to another straight 'O' student. Namely, Scorpius Malfoy. But no way that he is his soulmate.

Speaking of Scorpius, Albus noticed Scorpius avoiding him. No teasing remarks, no smirks, no physical violence or hex... Scorpius was acting very odd.

And strangely, Albus missed him.

He was also feeling quite light-headed and sick these days, but it was probably just flu. Albus chugged down a Pepper-Up Potion that he concocted himself just now but his mind was still as foggy as ever.

He should probably go see Pomfrey, but it was Potions next, and they were going to brew the draught of Living Death, like hell would Albus miss it.

His world suddenly tilted upside down, leaving his head spinning. He slumped down onto the floor, waiting for the vertigo to pass

Then the scent of Scorpius Malfoy hit his nose.

Strangely, enveloped by Scorpius' scent, Albus' headache toned down to a minor throb. Albus sighed in relief, but he had no time to wonder why. He was late to Potions. But just as he stood up, his vision swam and he toppled into a pair of arms.

Scorpius' arms.

"Potions." Albus struggled feebly against Scorpius' soft but strong grip. 

"Fuck, Potter, like hell will I let you go to Potions with you looking like that." Scorpius spat.

Scorpius' eyes met his. The look Scorpius had made his stomach swoop suddenly. It didn't help that Scorpius' arms sent warm waves of pleasure throughout his body, making him feel warm and sated.

With no warning whatsoever, Albus blacked out.

When he woke up again, Scorpius was holding his hand tightly and was reading a book. Albus turned to the side, and looked at him. He was reading The Hobbit. Scorpius raised his head and saw Albus staring. 

"What?" He snapped angrily and retracted his hand immediately. Albus found himself missing the warmth.

"You... you just don't seem like the type to read muggle literature."

Scorpius shut the book. "Maybe I'm full of surprises. Maybe I'm not like my shitbag father who still holds prejudices. Maybe you just don't know me at all, Potter."

"Sorry, but why? Why did you bring me here? I thought you'd rather leave me there and thread on my finger for good measure."

Scorpius got up and slammed a thick stack of notes onto the drawer beside the bed. He leaned down until his face was inches away from Albus'. Albus felt his breath catch as Scorpius hissed. 

"Contrary to popular belief, I do not want to put anyone in mortal danger, and you looked pretty shit back then. There also might be a Quidditch match of Sytherin against Gryffindor coming up, and as much as I hate saying this, you and I have the best stinking Beater skills in the whole of Slytherin."

Scorpius stood up, satisfied.

"Plus, I like messing with you too much to let you die. Enjoy your notes." Scorpius purred before slamming the door of the Hospital Wing behind him.

Red faced, Albus calmed his racing heart. He liked the angry look on Malfoy's face a bit too much, and he might have been a little turned on, if a rock-hard erection was called a little bit

Albus groaned as he came to a conclusion that was heart-stopping.

He was falling for Scorpius since Day 1.

And when Scorpius leaned down like he wanted to kiss him, that was when Albus hit rock-bottom.

But his soulmate can't be Scorpius, can it?

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