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(Albus POV)

DADA. Gah. 

I wish I could just drop that damn subject.

But no. Macmillian have to talk all about my dad and all his Dumbledore Army days and how he killed the Basilisk. Yada yada. As his kid, I know better than him, obviously. It also doesn't help that Malfoy was doing better than me. He collected 100 points for Slytherin during DADA after 2 weeks. Even if Macmillian was super biased, he can't deny Malfoy's skill.

Plus, he looked very sexy when casting the spells.

Wow. Son of a bitch who doesn't even pay attention in DADA scored better than me. I swear I'm getting Ds. Macmillian was not impressed

Why can't people see that I'm not my stupid damned father. 

Well, its a Hogsmead weekend, so I went to the Hogs' Head to get drunk.

I put on a glamor and walked in. Luckily, Lils weren't here. I love my sis, but she is the biggest gossip around, and I just can't keep my trap shut around her. That was how she knew I was bi. 

"Ten bottles of Firewhiskey." I said briskly.

Hannah Abbot, the owner, raised her eyebrows at me. But she doesn't press. That was the rule at Hogs Head. Everything here was confidential and anonymous. I dropped a bag of galleons on the table, took my Firewhiskey and walked out, only to bump into Malfoy.

Just my luck.

(Scorpius POV)

I went to Hogs Head to drown myself in sorrow. Brin got his soulmark today. And he is in his dorms right now, brooding, because he had a huge crush on Granger-Weasley. How?

His soulmark was a fucking book. A book. How obvious could it be? And he still thinks its some mild and passive Ravenclaw. When Brin broods, it dampers my mood, because Brin was amazing when it came to emotion-evoking spells, and now I feel like I could just jump off the tower.

Anyway, when did these two meet? And how? Why? What the hell happened. 

They even paired up today.

"Sorry mate, but Rose's great at Runes."

So I was paired with Longbottom, Potter's best friend's twin, who spent the whole time ogling the girl Potter snogged during Fifth Year during spin the bottle. My stomach curdled at that thought of that. 

I shoved the door open harder than necessary and bumped into someone that was holding ten freaking bottles of Firewhiskey. I looked down and saw the redhead rubbing his head. A move I only saw Potter doing. Potter?

His height and Potter's were the same, his forehead was to my lips. Did Potter put on a glamour?

And since when did I pay attention to how Potter looked?

And why was Potter wearing a glamour?

I smirked. Time to have some fun.

"Sorry, it was my fault." Potter rambled and started grabbing the bottles.

"Allow me." I said. I cast a nonverbal Wingardium Leviosa, lifting the bottles.

"Oh yah, right." At least Potter had the decency to look embarrassed. Ha, like he could cast that spell. He was pants at charms.

"I will help you bring these to the place you want to go." I offered. Anything to have more time to antagonise Potter.

(Albus POV)

"There... there is no need."

I stuttered. Damn you, Malfoy. The place was somewhere special that I don't even show James and Lils. No way I am going to let Malfoy into there. I looked at Malfoy with the floating Firewhiskey around him, and decided he wasn't going to budge.

Malfoy raised an eyebrow.


Why was he so adamant? Was he hitting on me?

I was a redhead in the glamour.

Don't tell me he have a thing for redheads.

I scowled and swept past him.

Why can't he like brunets instead?

And why do I want him to have a thing for brunets?

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