My Desire

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With a groan, Scorpius rolled over in bed. He had a splitting headache and Brin was still sulking in bed, but this time a wave of disgust keep crashing into him. Scorpius stumbled up and clutched to the wall for support.

He barely made it to the toilet.

Probably hearing Scorpius getting sick in the toilet, Brin walked in a moment later with a Hangover Potion.

"Too many?" Brin asked sympathetically as Scorpius chugged down the potion with a grateful sigh. Ignoring Brin's pestering about how he got so wasted, Scorpius rubbed his head as the memories from yesterday came crashing in.

He shared a drink with Potter. Told Potter things that he hasn't told Brin yet. But in exchange, Potter told him his insecurities too.

Strangely, Scorpius didn't want to use this knowledge to blackmail him. He only felt sad for Al-Potter.

And wanted to give him a hug.

Wait... what?

Brin sighed when Scorpius ignored him. It was typical of Scorpius to start zoning out nowadays, and he knew how to deal with it already. Pressing was not a good idea. Instead, he pulled Scorpius up and led him to breakfast.

"You're staring again." Brin commented dryly. Scorpius wretched his eyes away from Potter, who looked none the worse for wear despite yesterday. He seemed like those people who forgets everything they do when they are drunk. Thank goodness.

But just to make sure...

Scorpius grabbed Albus' shoulder and grabbed him towards an alcove. Albus looked around, shocked. Scorpius' face reminded him of an unsettling dream he had last night about him and Scorpius, pouring their souls out and sharing bloody Firewhiskey that Albus bought using his money. His money. 

And he willingly shared it with Malfoy?

The world is ending.

"Do you remember anything from yesterday?" Malfoy asked coolly.


"Do you remember anything from yesterday?" Malfoy repeated.

"Umm.. No?"

Shit, did he do something really embarrassing? The only thing he remembered was going to the Hogs' Head, determined to get pissed. 

He must've done something, because Malfoy looked relieved and was about to leave when Frank burst in.

"Malfoy! Stay away from him." He shot a glare at Malfoy and pulled Albus away.

Scorpius just sighed and walked away. Brin was waiting for him outside the Great Hall. One look at him and Scorpius knew that something was up.

"What happened."

Brin didn't answer; instead, he pulled Scorpius into an empty classroom. Judging by the layer of dust, the classroom wasn't used in a long time. 

There was a mirror on the opposite side.

"The Mirror of Erised." Scorpius whispered. "Shows you your heart's deepest desire."

Father had told Scorpius many stories about this mirror. People can get too absorbed into the mirror, wasting their life away staring at it.

"Wanna look?" Asked Brin quietly. Scorpius nodded. He looked straight into the mirror.

He saw Albus, and himself, holding hands, kissing.

He saw Albus giving him a Weasley jumper, adoration clear on his face.

He saw Albus cupping his face in his hands and whispering the 'L' word to him.

Scorpius stumbled back. He tore his eyes away from the mirror, as tears clouded his eyes.

Merlin. I'm falling for Albus Potter. And he would, never in a million years, reciprocate.

"What did you see?" Brin asked. Scorpius wanted to lie, said that he saw a loving father, saw himself being Head Boy, anything, anything but Albus. But the truth slipped out.

"I, I... saw Albus Potter and me and we were.." His voice cracked with emotion and he let out a choked sob.

"Dating?" Brin guessed. 

Scorpius could only nod. 

Lust and need, so much need, filled every part of him. He wanted Albus, wanted to have every part of him. The need consumed him until he was a sobbing mess, because,

"He could never love me." Scorpius whispered despairingly.

Unbeknownst to him, a soulmark formed on his right shoulder blade. A bubbling cauldron, with plants surrounding it. Potions and Herbology, Albus' best subjects.

But Brin couldn't tell that to Scorpius, it would only break him to the point of no return, convinced that he was doomed to spend his life with a soulmate that would never love him, while Albus finds love and lives happily. And that person, Scorpius thinks, can never be himself.

Brin said nothing, but in his mind, he was already plotting. He needed to research soulmates.

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