Olivia Rodrigo Interviews

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Olivia Rodrigo responding to fans on the internet GQ

If you had to pick one song from the SOUR album that best represents you, which one would you pick and why?
I really love drivers license. It's still my favourite song I've ever written, and I feel like it was the first song that I ever wrote that really captured how I felt, and was really representation of who I was as a person, so that'll always stay in my heart.

Olivia Rodrigo in push play (writing her name) - MTV
Wait, how did Olivia Rodrigo get her drivers license if she can't parallel park?
Great question, very observant. Actually nowadays in California when you take your driver's test you do not need to parallel park. You just have to back up and park by a curb

I have a question for you @oliviarodrigo, where are the other 9 songs that didn't make it on the album?
Oh gosh, I don't know there on a hard drive on producer's computer.

What's Olivia Rodrigo esthetic called
I would call it "I'm 18 and have truly no sense of personal style yet, but I try" and "stuff that's colorful, and fun, and comfortable and young."

Is Olivia Rodrigo currently living with her parents?
Technically I'm not living with my parents, I got my first big girl apartment a month or two ago. It's very exciting but my parents come and stay with me all the time and I go stay with them all the time. I don't know, I don't know if I'm technically living alone, but I say I am.

Did Olivia Rodrigo take singing lessons?
Olivia Rodrigo did take singing lessons since she was literally five years old.

How did she go from Bizaardvarck to this?
Oh gosh, I don't know, I don't know. I just grew up, wrote my songs and did my thing, I don't know. That music video was so much fun to film, it was one of my favorite days on set of my life. Petra directed it, is one of my creative muses and so it was really fun to work with her on that, to light stuff on fire and flood stuff. It was a great day.

Why are her live's always a key down? I'm genuinely curious.
'Cause sometimes in the studio when you're recording stuff it feels more intense to have it like up a little bit and when it comes time to singing it live you kinda get scared to sing it really high, so you just bring it down a key.

Olivia is incredible! The control she has over her voice is insane and it's so beautiful! Also at 0.48 it looks like she has a necklace with 'I still fucking love you' engraved on it, is it just me?? Love her so much <3.
Yes, I did wear a necklace that says 'I still fucking love you' when I performed drivers license on SNL and it's a locket too, but I won't tell you what I put in it. That's for me to know.

Rodrigo first appeared in an Old Navy commerical. Yes, that was my first job I was in while I was in first grade. And all I had to was turned around and make a gasping expression. I told my mom "I don't know if I'm cut out for this. This is a lot of work."

Wooo, congratulations to Olivia!!! I hope she enjoys graduation. Is she a fan of Rick and Morty? I wonder what her plans are after this.
You know what, i haven't watched an episode of rick and morty. I feel like I should, I have a lot of friends who are obsessed with it, so maybe that's on the agenda.

How do you think of song name? I know in the short film about u said u had to just be alone, but is there more to that?
Song names, concepts, lyrics just come randomly throughout the day in your normal life. I'll just write them down, the trick is having the work ethic and focus to flesh it out and really make it into something. You don't have to be alone to write a song. I wrote many songs on set.

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