18.) When No One Is Around, My Dear

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(just a short chapter before everything goes to shit aka hollow mind)

Hunter || The Golden Guard

The next week

My only thoughts have been about how amazing Y/N is. I take back everything bad I said about kissing before, I don't think I'll ever leave cloud nine. I'm not even hung up on the fact that they need time. My heart is just flipping thinking about the way she kissed me. I would give anything to feel that again. Her lips were so soft and perfect. I've given them space for a week but I need to see them again. My heart has been wanting her so badly and even if it's just for a moment, I need them.

It's so late at night but I know they're awake. Sometimes it seems like they're always awake. I sit up from my bed, already in my casual clothes. After the flyer derby events of today, I desperately needed to shower and change. That's one of the reasons my hair has become way fluffier than usual. I feel like a stray dog.

"Flapjack, I need to go see Y/N. Can you take me? I don't want my uncle to track my staff." I ask and the bird just tweets before turning into staff form. "Thanks, Flap."

Now, time to fly. He goes out the window to cover his tracks. The cold air attacks his face and manages to flush his cheeks at the same time. But it's all worth it. Today has been so fun for the most part but it only made me want to share that with them. My heart races just as fast as I fly to the Owl House.

I barrel closer and closer until the house is in view. It only fully hits me that I'm here until I see her through her window. They sit perfectly at their desk, writing something out. My cheeks flush a deeper red than before as I bring my hand up to knock on the window. Once she looks up, it's over for me. My heart is pounding faster than ever as she stands up. I watch as she unlocks her window and pushes it open with a big knot in my stomach.

"Making this a regular thing, are we?" They ask, backing away from the window so I can go inside.

"Not on purpose," I say awkwardly as I land on the floor and Flapjack hides away. "And I know you said you needed time, I understand that. I really tried to give you that and you can kick me out if you want but I really wanted to see y-"

Before I can keep rambling, she presses her lips to mine again. I practically melt and feel my knees go weak when they do that. But I quickly wrap my arms around them to be closer as their hands cup my cheeks so gently. My shoulders loosen up so much as I try to enjoy every second of this before we pull away. Once we do, we still stay like this for a moment, me holding her and her cupping my cheeks.

"I know I said I need time but...shit." They whisper.

"Whenever you're ready," I say slightly out of breath. "I'm all yours. Really, I am. I know the coven is still a problem but I need to be honest. I think I'm having...doubts."


"I mean, who am I really fighting for? Why am I doing it? I have had the craziest day, Y/N. Can I tell you everything about it?" I ask happily.

"Yes and don't spare a single detail." She smiles as I let my arms go. She drops her hands and goes to sit down on her bed, ready to listen.

"So now I don't even know what side is good but I can't tell anyone that! I'm the Golden Guard. My entire job is to support Belos. And now I'm just so confused." I sigh.

"Maybe you need time too, to figure out what you really believe in. Maybe if you knew more about whatever is going on, it would help you make a decision." They suggest. "I mean, why do you think they give juries in court time when they need it?"

"That's a good point but it's Belos. He's the closest thing I've ever had to a father but he is not a merciful man. He is the least understanding person I know."

"You've got a point, but who knows, you have all the time in the- eh, maybe not. But you'll make the right decision. Also, just pretend I don't know what the right decision is." They laugh.

"But what if it is the right decision and I'm being stupid?" I ask.

"Then, you'll deal with that. You're strong. You can handle anything. Parental figures are never easy to deal with." They say quietly before crossing their arms.

"Still haven't talked to Raine?"

"Nope. They haven't even tried which kind of feels worse. I know I said I didn't want to talk to them but, come on! I'm their only kid and I don't even get an attempt? Not even a text apologizing!"

"Terra has had them on this really weird lockdown, maybe that's it." I try.

"Maybe. I'm just so tired of trying so hard at everything. I'm trying to help Luz, mom, and Lilith while also trying to get good grades and not letting them see that I'm clearly struggling. I mean, why doesn't school come naturally to me like it does to everyone else? I just try and try until I burn out halfway through the year and I don't know how to keep everyone happy right now. Even King isn't happy and I don't know why everything has gotten so weird."

"Mirrorball!" Luz shouts from the door.

"How long have you been in here?" Y/N stands up.

"From the beginning of your mirrorball rant! Anyways, it's dinner time and me and why Hunter is in y-"

"Get out of my room!" She grabs the door as Luz backs away before slamming it.

"I love having an older sibling!" Luz cheers from outside.

"Still got that problem?" I laugh.

"She's not a problem, I just know she's texting her friends right now and telling them that you're here. Now, this is a whole thing because she's gonna tell Amity. Amity's gonna tell Ed and Em and I'm gonna have to explain that I'm not cheating on them because I'm not dating either of them. And then my other friends are gonna scream at me once they find out I'm talking to you again."

"Wow, that's a big sequence of events for one interaction." I laugh. "But back to what you were saying, maybe they'll try soon. They have been talking to Darius a lot more lately."

"Maybe. Thanks, Hunter. Even after everything, you've always been so easy to talk to. Easier to talk to than anyone I've ever met." They tell me and my heart swoons all over again.

"Yeah...you too," I smile before I look and realize she's wearing the shirt I gave her. "You really kept the shirt?"

"Yeah, it's nice. You can have it back if you want it." She says nervously.

"No, no, I meant what I said before. It looks better on you, Y/N. So, so, much better." I sigh with the goofiest smile on my face.

"You make it so hard not to like you." They laugh and hide their head in their hands.

"I could say the same about you." I laugh with her.

"Let's just...give it a little more time. But Hunter, I really do like you." She says quietly with the sweetest smile I've ever seen.

"I like you so much. But really, I can wait as long as you need. You're worth it."

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