10.) I'm Done Trying

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  "Wake up, darling! You're snoring." Lilith taps me.

  "I wonder why," I mumble as I pick my head back up from my shoulder. "Oh wait. It's because you fucking knocked me out and then dragged me across the floor. Where am I, Lilith?"

  "Lilith? What happened to Aunt Lily?" She frowns.

  "Aunt Lily is dead, she's been dead for years." I roll my eyes. "Let me go."

  "I can't let you go, you are better off here." She sighs before turning on the light in the room. I'm sitting in a chair across from her with a small table between us. My hands are tied up and I can't move.

  "No, I'm not. Let me go." I wiggle slightly to see how loose the ties are.

  "You're here by order of the Emperor and myself. Your mother has brainwashed you into believing her wild nonsense. Now, you will stay with me on the days you would normally be with your mother. The days you would be with Raine will stay the same. After all, they are just a few floors down from me. You will be inducted into the coven and will work with me and Kikimora. Doesn't that sound nice?" She smiles at the end.

  "Not at all. None of that is gonna happen, I'm leaving." I start to thrash around in my hair with no luck.

  "Doing that isn't going to help. You're the top of your school, captain of the grudgby team, and your magic is ten times stronger than mine was at your age. The coven would be so lucky to have you."

  "My magic is stronger than yours was because I don't KIDNAP CHILDREN." I raise my voice.

  "Please, I didn't kidnap you. I took you in by force." She rolls her eyes this time.

  "You are crazy! Talk about brainwashing, you only speak coven. Other people have aunts who take them shopping or watch trash shows on crystal balls. What do you do? You kidnap me!" I shout in disbelief.

  "You will be better off here. Now, we have a meeting with Emperor Belos in fifteen minutes." She says calmly.

  "Great, we're bringing your entire squad to watch this?" I groan. "Why can't you just be normal?"

  "I am normal. You're a Hexside has-been waiting to happen if we don't get you away from Edalyn. She will only drag you in the wrong direction." She says sternly.

  "And what is the right direction? You? Because what have you done to help the Boiling Isles? You're trying to change the world? That sucks, Lilith, it really does because you've barely made a dent." I snap at her.

  "I've sacrificed so much for this coven and I've changed many lives." She raises her voice.

  "Yeah? What have you ever sacrificed?"

  "I gave up everything, I gave my whole life for the Emperor's Coven." She puts her foot down.

  "And for what? Why did you do it? This world will never be ours as long as the coven system is still in place. You're making this a place so many witches can't live in. You don't feel bad about that?" I ask tiredly. But that ties are definitely loosened. I think I can move my fingers if I can just move my hand a bit more.

  "You're just a kid, you don't know anything." She shakes her head.

  "I know a lot more than you do about this twister system you work for," I tell her while drawing a spell circle that she can't see. I'm able to undo the ties with a spell before drawing a bigger fire spell. "Eat this!" I shout as it goes flying at her.

  I stand up and kick my chair away, ready to make a run for it. She blocks off the door with ice and grabs my wrist. I quickly extend my leg and kick her away from me. That's when I realize she had the sigil glove just a few centimeters away from my wrist. Using another spell, I push her all the way back to the wall to put more distance between us.

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