"Good,"  I said as I took out the Alacryan scout paper and placed it on the table. "I need you all to listen up. We've received intel that the Alacryans are moving a supply shipment to the front line."

Everyone leaned in and looked at the paper curiously. I let them study the paper for a second before I continued.

"This here is the supply route they are going to take," I said as I pointed toward the paper. "I'm thinking we could use this ridge and ambush them from an elevated platform. The high ground will give us an advantage."

Elijah looked at me, "How many Alacryans are expected to be guarding this said shipment?"

"Unknown," I said matter-of-factly as I looked at everyone. I could see everyone nodding at the information. "With this strike, we can slow down their advance. Does anyone oppose this action plan?"

I looked around at the soldiers of the strike squad, seeing them all shake their heads.

"I think I speak for everyone here, General, when I say let's give them hell," Elijah said with conviction.

I gave a smug smile as I saw everyone nod in agreement. "Good. Then let's go," I said as everyone stood up.


Everyone crept along the ridge line as we reached where the shipment would be moving. We all moved quietly in a line formation as we scanned the area.

"Everyone stop," I said, whispering in everyone's ear using sound magic. Everyone stopped and looked at me curiously. "We will post and wait here for the shipment to come through."

Everyone nodded and squatted down as we all took positions and looked down at the path the shipment was supposed to be coming from. I looked up and down looking at my soldiers, and could see the determined looks in their eyes. My eyes fell on Elijah, seeing him scan the area. I could still see a slight glow coming from him as he continued to sit there.

I smirked as I stood up and quietly moved to where he was squatting. His eyes fell on me, and he gave me a nod as I squatted down next to him.

"General," Elijah greeted as he looked back forward.

"How is everything, Elijah?" I asked.

"They're good, General," Elijah said matter of factly.

I chuckled a little, "Elijah. I just wanted to say thanks for all your hard work. Putting this squad together and never giving up hope. I've seen how hard you've been working to keep the morale up around Vildorial.".

Elijah looked at me and smiled, "No thanks necessary, General. This is my home. I'll do whatever it takes to fight for it."

I gave him a sad smile, seeing how much he's truly changed ever since I met him at Xyrus Academy.

"You're a good strong man Elijah. I can see why Kathlyn likes you." I said genuinely.

Elijah blushed heavily as he looked back forward, avoiding eye contact. I smirked, seeing his reaction.

"So, how was her visit? I noticed she walked a little strange when she left with Alice," I said teasingly.

Elijah tensed up as I watched him purposely continue to avoid eye contact with me. I leaned forward with a smirk as Elijah blushed even more than I thought humanly possible.

"So. I take it you two had quite the eventful night together," I said with a wink. "Did you make sure to pul-"

"Aya," Elijah said.

"Oh, I'm just teasei-"

"Aya," Elijah said again more sternly.

I caught onto his tone and followed his gaze. My eyes narrowed as I noticed a small caravan of five carriages. About thirty soldiers covered head to toe in black armor surrounded the caravan. They weren't riding any horses or beasts and were all on foot. I noticed they were limping, which was probably from them being tired from all the walking.

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