I sigh feeling my head pound with every step taken further and further up the steps. I swear 30 minutes pass before I'm standing up and we are no longer climbing the steps. Though I still can't stand straight or walk. His hand is still around my waist.


"Alright love, over here." He has a British accent. I smile to myself. I'm about to put on the best accent I have just to annoy him.

"Awright mate you're taking me to the loo ey?"

"Haha very funny, come on." He says as he opens a door I'm guessing to the bathroom and turns the light on.

"I'll be downstairs... if you need anything."

I hold on to the bathroom door feeling my knees buckle every two seconds.

"Nooooooooooooooo I wanna be fwendssss. Just let me pee pee first."

I think I hear him let out a laugh as I turn towards the inside of the bathroom again.

"Alright just... pee and then we can talk." My cheeks turn up into a smile and I slowly close the door.
I set my eyes on the toilet and move towards it. Surprisingly I don't fall or hit anything on the walls when I get there. A sense of relief washes over me as I realize I can now piss.

But before I pull my pants down I pull my phone out of my back pocket. When I have it I sit down and let the pee flow.

Then everything is quiet again and all my thoughts are back. All I can think about is Cory and getting drunk definitely helped but it only helps when I'm distracted. A yawn escapes my lips as stare at the contact Abel shared with me.

It's kind of surprising he didn't ask many questions when I asked for it. He maybe just assumed we were friends after that... whatever it was at his house. I think about that thing she said about me making a scene and just leaving and it makes me want to cry. Not because it's true but because she thinks of me as a terrible person.

I can't blame her though. I am fucked up. To everyone. Especially her lately. I blink and realize I've been on the verge of crying. A thick bead of a tear cascades down my face which then leads to a sun suwon.

I don't hesitate to text her.

I'm so sorry [10:31]

please don't hate me [10:31]

hendosywveienfofb [10:31]

I surry [10:31]

Abel is just a fiend [10:31]

I mean freen [10:31]

I mean friend. [10:32]

Sorry 😞 [10:32]

I like you [10:32]

I want you [10:32]

I'm sorry Cory. [10:32]

Don't hate me forwever [10:32]

I'm sorry [10:32]

Goodnight. [10:32]

I think about you so much [10:32]

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