I nod my head and he squeezes my thigh. I connect to the Bluetooth and start to play Sapnap and I's shared playlist. 

We hum and sing along on the way there and Sapnap starts to get all smiley when we close. 

He pulls into a pretty empty parking lot, and I turn off the music and he opens the door for me to get out and I do so.

He takes my hand as we walk to the trunk and he grabs his skateboard, He locks the car after we close the trunk, and we make our way to the beginner's area with a few smaller bumps.

He walks down into the pit area and helps me down, so I don't fall.

"Ready?" He asks as he takes the skateboard and puts it down. 

"Yeah." I say with a smile.

"Alright, I'm gonna get on and show you how to have your feet placed and then you do the same okay?" He says as he gets on. 

"So, at first your left foot will be behind your right foot, at a further distance of course. And your right foot will be up towards the front twisted a little like this, that way you can have control once you push off and move your left foot." He says as he moves slightly so I can see.

I nod and he gets off, I get on slowly and he takes my hand, so I don't fall as I get used to it.

"Okay, so after you get used to that and you push off, your right and left foot will completely turn and face one direction, so you can control your movements more, okay?" He says as he helps me push off and I move my feet. 

(Like this in case you don't understand what I'm talking about:

(Like this in case you don't understand what I'm talking about:

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Also, you can have your feet either way, some people learn more easily the other way. This is just with your left in lead.)

I skate with the help of Sapnap for a while until I think I'm ready and tell him to let go next time.


He lets go of my hands and I steer myself and cheer a little and look back and see him smiling. I push myself faster and turn my waist and legs a little and turn the board slightly so I can go back around like he told me to do. 

I start to turn, and I lean more to go sharper, but I lean a little too far and fall off onto my wrist and slide a bit and hear a pop sound. 

"OH shit, Y/n!" He says as he runs forward.

 I get up slightly and push with my wrist, but it shoots a sharp pain shoots up my arm and my wrist gives out and I yelp in pain. Before I fall again Sapnap catches me and scans me for injuries and stops at my wrist.

"Oh shit." He says as he takes my arm carefully. 

I wince a little and he says a little sorry. 

"It's broken." He sighs with guilt. 

We get up and he gets his board, and we walk to the car. We get in and he starts the car and I lean back in pain as I hold my wrist. 

"I'm so sorry, I should have to you not to lean to far at first. God I'm such a fucki-" He starts.

"Hey now. It wasn't your fault. I'm learning and besides with learning comes a little pain no matter what it is. I'm not dead, it's not life threating. I'm okay it's just a wrist that can heal in a few weeks." I say as I take his hand with my left hand that is not broken. 

"I suppose, but I'm still sorry." He says bringing my hand up and kissing it. 

"It's alright love." I say with a smile.

He nods and we drive to the hospital. We get to the ER, and I get my phone out and ask him to text the group chat to tell them what happened at that we would be here for a little while. He agrees and texts them and then hands back my phone. We get inside and go up the front desk and get a little ticket thingy. 

We wait for around ten minutes, and they call our number, and we go up and do the paperwork and they immediately take both of us back. 

We get to the room we were assigned in and the nurse who led us back informs us that the doctor will come in and inspect my wrist in a few minutes. 


I sigh and lean back in the chair thingy. Sapnap comes over to me and sits down beside me and takes my hand and kisses it. I lean against Sapnap and a tear slips out of my eye.

"Hey, why are you crying love." He says as he turns towards me. 

"I really don't like hospitals Sap." I say quietly looking up at him.

I see realization come across his face and he looks down at me with a gentle smile. 

"It will be okay; I'll be here with you, and it will be over before you know it." He says as he kisses me softly and wipes away my tears as he leans away.

The doctor comes in and checks out my wrist and tells me that it is in fact broken and that a nurse will be in in a minuet, and they will set it back and they will put a cast on it. (Forgot about the x-ray part when I wrote this...)

"W-wait, will there have to be a shot or anything?" I ask slightly scared. 

"No, not unless you want one for the pain." He speaks.

"No, I'm alright thanks." I say with a slight nod.

He smiles and walk out and Sapnap walks over and kisses my forehead.

"See, it will be done with soon alright. No shots." He smiles.

I nod and he sits back down on his chair. 

A nurse comes back in and sets my arm which was slightly painful, they put on a cast and set me off and out the door with Sapnap and the annoying ass cast.

We get back in the car and we make our way home and the boys swarm me with questions.

Sapnap and I explain what had happened, and they make me go lay down and they start to baby me like I'm dying.

"Alright, everyone out. She needs sleep and I want cuddles." Sapnap says as he pushes them out and locks the door.

I giggle and lay down fully and he lays to my left and pulls me to his chest. 

"Goodnight princess." He says softly kissing me.

"Goodnight." I say as I slowly fall asleep in the warmth of his arms.


(Words 1780) 

Hope you enjoyed, so sorry for not uploading for so long. :/

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