Chapter sixteen

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Jack's POV, one month later

It has been a few weeks since Rudy went to Japan, and he has sent us some pictures to show us how beautiful it is in Japan. Being a sensei is fun, I haven't really had many students yet but it's okay. I can't really do school and being a sensei at the same time. We graduate in two weeks, which is super weird. 

"Jack, look!" Kim shouts and runs up to me. I close my locker and kiss her. "I have our graduation clothes. I went by and they gave me mine, I asked for yours and they gave it to me. It's so close now, I'm actually screaming!" 

I laugh. "Yeah, you do," I say. 

"What are you not excited about it? You can be a sensei full-time. I will be fifty you know," Kim replies. 

I stop. "It's not about that. Everyone is going their own way... I guess? I need to ask them what they really do after school, I have no idea," 

Kim laughs. "Well, we will see. But now, we need to focus on school. We have our last test on Thursday. Then we are free from tests. I need to go, I have math now!" 

I nod, and she kisses me and walks off. 

"I didn't know you guys were together," Frank says. 

I roll my eyes and turn around. "Leave her alone, okay? You guys really went that far, she hates you guys more than anything now," I tell him and walk straight to him. 

I take up his hands. "We know, but if you really are gonna blame someone, it should be your cousin. He was the one that threw the thing at her and also went far in the tournament. He's banned now from Black Dragons, sensei Ty didn't like it," 

"Where is he now then?" I ask him. He shrugs. "No idea, not here. I have to go now," 

Well, that didn't help at all. I place my graduation clothes in my locker and grab my book.

At the dojo 

I unlock the dojo and walk in. No Rudy that walks in with a new cool project. Just me now. I pull up the curtains and change to open. I put my bag in the office, he took everything except the computer and the furniture. I sit down on the sofa and look at the wall. 

"Excuse me? Hello?" Someone shouts outside. I jump up and walk out with a smile. A little girl is standing there with a smile. "Hi there," I say and take out my hand. 

She shakes it. "I'm Clara Olsen. I'm here for my training. My parents sent you an email. Hope I didn't come here too late?" 

"No, no. You didn't, nice to meet you. Do you know something about karate?" I ask her. She nods. She goes to the setup for breaking planks. She places five planks. She can't break all of them, she's like ten.

"Okay," she says and takes a deep breath. She slams it right in the middle and breaks all of them. She looks up at me with a proud smile. "Yes, I do. I'm a brown belt," 

"How old are you?" I exclaim. 

"I'm thirteen. I did karate when I lived in Canada. My parents both got jobs here in Seaford so we moved here. I've heard about this dojo, thanks to Kim my parents chose this dojo and not Black Dragons," 


"We all have to thank our wonderful Kim Crawford, maybe you will meet her and the rest of the gang. I have two more friends, Milton and Jerry," 

"What about us?" Milton asks and walks up to me and Clara. "Oh, hi..... Who are you?" 

She waves. "I'm Clara, a new student. I'm a brown belt. My goal before turning fourteen is to have a black belt. Is that possible here?" he asks and glances at me. 

I nod. "Of course it is, me and Kim are gonna help you and the others to reach your goals," 

"Yay! I have to tell my parents, I will be back tomorrow after school for my training!" she cheers and runs away. 

I puff out and look at Milton, he gives me a proud smile and pats my back. "I'm proud of you,"

I thank him, I need to write to Rudy. He needs to know this. "I'm gonna write to Rudy," I say and Milton nods. "Do that, he would also be proud of you Jack. Everyone is," 

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