2. Wanna ditch 4th period?

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Janae Vargas|| September 28th 2:46

The encounter with Maeve was over two hours ago so why wouldn't it escape my mind? Tapping my pencil against the desk, I realised I hadn't listened to any of the in put. I was going. To. Fail.

Struggling to even remember my own name, I flip the page opening to the first question. Can you name three women that made history from 1890-1990? No... no I couldn't but I gave it a shot anyway.

1. Rosa Parks
2. Marie Curie
3. ????

My handwriting was so sloppy I could barely read it; the writing my had said Virgin Mary?? Questioning what the writing said, the bell for home rang. "Okay everyone," the history teacher began," please hand in your work sheets"

With shaking hands, I passed the teacher my work that had barely been touched. I felt almost sorry for our teacher; he had spent all this time making the test for me  to only answer one question.

"You're dismissed," he said rolling his eyes at the two students at the back. Grabbing my things, the teacher tapped my shoulder with a disappointed look on his face.

"Janae... I know Simon's death must've been hard on you but... you need to try harder than to answer one question," his frown infected my face as well. "Detention on Friday," he finished.

Slumping out into the parking lot, I spotted Maeve's sister (Bronwyn) talking to Bayveiw's drug dealer (Nate). As I got closer to my bike, their conversation became louder than a usual one should be.

"You lied to the cops, Nate," I overheard Bronwyn say scrunching her face up. "I lied for you, Bronwyn," he replied to her with alot of hand gestures," I would never screw you over."

After having enough of their couple shit, I unlocked my bike placing the helmet on my head. "Hey, Janae right?" None other than prissy bitch Addy Prentiss was smiling at me. "What do you want?" I asked raising my eyebrows ever so slightly. "Uh help..." she replied pointing to her bike.

I leant down unlocked her bike from the rack throwing the lock up at her. Surprisingly, she actually caught it. "Thanks," Addy smiled waving me off as she rode away. "What the fuck just happened?" I questioned talking to myself.

7:32 || Vargas residence

Scrolling through all the Simon memes and posts on Instagram, I came across one interesting one. One from Maeve Rojas. It read "stop being such a dick to Simon let him rest in peace". The post made a bittersweet smile spread across my face.

Not knowing what had came over me, I decided to DM her. "Hey Maeve, it's Janae from the bathroom" I wrote," no that's shit." Spamming the delete button, I had began to realise my actions. "Fuck it, hey Maeve... its Janae btw," I clicked send squeezing my eyes shut.

To my surprise, my phone vibrated; it was Maeve. "Hey, u alr?" I read as the phone reflected off my face turning it a bright white colour. "Yeah I'm as good as someone who's bestfriend just died two days ago, u?"
"I'm alr, thx" she texted back with a smiley face emoji paired with it.

"So... how've you been, we haven't rlly talked in a while" I asked hitting send aggressively. As expected, the three dots kept appearing and disappearing. One minute I'd be full of hope; the next minute I'd think she'd never text me back.

After finally giving up, I went back to what I was meant to be doing- my homework. Ten minutes later, my phone vibrated again and this time it was Maeve. "Not much just getting in trouble and stuff," she replied with a what I assumed was a smirk spread across her face.

"What kind of trouble?" I questioned feeling actually curious. "Since Simon went ghost on me, I started to write stuff... on people's lockers," she texted with a picture of someone's locker linked to it. Chuckling, I saved the picture to my camera roll.

"Who's locker is that?" I asked still intrigued. "Jake's :)" I read making me laugh even more. Then realising the time, my eyes widened. "Maeve, I'm so sorry I have to go," I say not even checking the message she wrote back.

1st November|| 3rd period

I could barely focus on Spanish when Maeve was the only thing that interested me right now. It was the way she dressed; the way she knew what to say and the way she acted.

Never knowing why, Spanish never amused me anyway. My only question left was: how did she not get Detention and I did? Maybe she did get detentions but just skipped them. Why was I so fucking observed?

Once class was finay over, I walked out into the corridor spotting a hopeful Maeve running up to me. "Hey," she said gasping for breath. Tilting my head I replied," hi?"
"I know this sounds totally weird but..." she stopped. Did she like me? "Do you wanna ditch forth period?"

Stunned, I made up a pros and cons list in my head. Pros: get to hang out with Maeve; get to know her. Cons: be caught by a teacher; get another Detention. It was a no brainer. "Fuck it," I smiled slinging the backpack over my shoulder.

"So that's a yes?" Maeve asked hopefully. "Yeah... let's just go, quickly," I suggest grabbing her arm dragging her down the corridors. Once we had finally reached the bus stop by our school, Maeve turned to me panting.

"You sure you wanna do this?" She asked doubtful. "Yeah, I do," I reassured her with a smile creeping up my face. Even though Simon was dead and there was really no choice, it felt nice to be spending time with someone else. Someone more like Maeve...

A/N: Whilst writing this I thought what if I just ending this on a cliffhanger. You guys would love that but I obviously didn't. Do you want cliffhangers though?

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Daydream~ Janae Vargas x Maeve RojasTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon