7. Bonus Chapter

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Janae Vargas|| 05:36 December 25th

"Maeve, go to sleep," I say pausing in-between every word. "But it's Christmas!" She explained flicking the lights on. I squint at her while scratching the back of my neck. "What time even is it?" I query about to drift off once again. "It's time for you to wake up," Maeve finally says tearing the bed covers off me. The sudden coldness peirced my bare legs. "Get up," she commanded scurrying out of the bedroom. Rubbing my eyes for the final time, I sat up peering out of the door. "Come on!" She screeched from downstairs.

Slumping down the stairs, I lock eyes with Maeve- who sat criss-crossed by the Christmas tree. I seriously regret letting her stay. "Hiiiii," she grinned patting the ground beside her. Sighing, I made my way to the floor she pounded on. "Hey," I slowly say, still tired. Smothering a camera in my face, Maeve wrapped her arms around me smiling like nothing I've ever seen. "So I may... have got you a present," Maeve's face glows as she handed me a crimson box laced with a emerald ribbon. "Well, this makes me giving you a present less weird," I finally speak at a normal pace.

Maeve's smile lowered as she braced herself for my reaction," so, basically. I kind of invited the murder club for Christmas." At first, my mouth hung ajar in rage and confusion. Why didn't she tell me? This is my house after all. Jesus christ, the way this girl can fuck up anything and I still love her. "Okay," I try to keep my cool,"I'll go get changed." Her face lit up once again before so dragged me up the stairs. "Because it's Christmas... I'm doing your outfit," she revealed as my somewhat okay expression dropped.

"Why?" I ask a emotionless laugh escaping my chapped lips. "Because I love you," Maeve admits picking my forehead. Suddenly, I'm okay with this. "So when are they coming," I say realising the clock read 06:05. Maeve bit her lip then blurting out," like about 09:00." And she screwed up again.

A/N: So this is kind of a filler cos I haven't uploaded in ages and it's Christmas eve when I upload this. Merry Christmas (if you celebrate it.) I am rlly sorry if this isn't good or something. And thank you to @Esmeray835  for reminding me that this story actually exists. Btw srry it's short.

                          416 words

Daydream~ Janae Vargas x Maeve RojasWhere stories live. Discover now