3. So are we like friends now?

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Maeve Rojas|| November 1st 11:27

Waiting for the bus, I began to wonder if Janae thought I killed Simon. I mean... my sister is a suspect but I wouldn't do that. What if all she wanted was information? Finally, the bus had arrived but it was pretty pack- we ended up squashed next to an old couple who looked like they could drop dead at any moment.

After the long awkward silence, the ancient couple broke it for us. "Shouldn't you two be in school?" Asked the old man clutching onto his wife's hand. "Day off," I replied quickly. Turning to his wife, he gave her a look that read "they had skipped".

"Where are you headed?" The woman asked gripping her shopping bag tightly. "Uhm... wherever the bus takes us," Janae hesitated. I could tell she wasn't as good as being put on the spot as I was. "What are your names?" The old man asked his mustache twitching.

"Jan-" I cut her off. "Jane and Maria," I lied hoping that they weren't the smartest of couples. "Well I'm Albert Driscoll and this fine woman is my wife, Susan Driscoll," Mr Driscoll explained starting to bore me. "I think we'll stop here, Jane" I turned to Janae rolling my eyes at the couple squeezed at our side.

"Pleasure meeting you two," Mrs Driscoll called as we exited the bus. Raising her finger, Janae flipped them off before jumping out. "Janae," I giggled uncontrollably smacking her hand down. The look on their faces were absolutely hilarious.

Looking like he had just sucked on a gone-off lemon, Mr Driscoll opened his mouth to speak before he lost confidence. Walking towards the mall, my giggling became even worse making me snort through laughter. This made Janae laugh too; we linked arms as the doors in the mall slid open.

"I can't believe you did that," I blurtedbout through laughter. After Janae had finally calmed down she answered," neither can I." As we entered the ice-cream store I spotted a familiar face in the shop with someone who look like Cooper. He was with a lean man that  looked like he could be related to Cooper.

Not looking like friends anymore, Cooper leant in to kiss him. "I think I've lost my appetite," I laugh as we leave the store. "Was that Cooper Clay, baseball star?" Janae asked chuckling slightly. "Surprisingly yes," I answered through my giggles.

"So are we like friends now?" Janae asked sounding more serious than her previous statement. "Are we?" I answer with a question. "I don't know, are we?" Another question, it was beginning to annoy me now. "Yes Janae, we're friends," finally, I answered.

Pushing open the bathroom door, I slid down to the floor with my head against the wall. "Do you have any idea how unhygienic that is?" Janae questioned smiling crazily. "Yes, I'm aware but it's not that bad," I reply pretending to be confident in it," just sit with me." Copying my actions, Janae slid herself down the wall sitting next to me.

"You know, do we have to talk in a bathroom every day?" I giggled yet again  probably making the girl ,I barely new, think I was as immature as my sister thinks I am. "I can leave?" She suggested jokingly. "No... no, stay," I pleaded laughing. "So like what you wanna do, besides from sitting in the bathroom," Janae asked chuckling ever so slightly.

"Wanna get some pancakes?" I asked hoping she'd reply with a yes. "I love pancakes," her eyes widened enthusiastically. After finally arriving at the pancake store, I had realised I had never quite been able to pronounce the name. I always had problems pronouncing words however I could say every word perfectly with Janae.

It must of been something about her; probably just the vibe she gives off is what helped me. In all honesty, Janae just made me feel comfortable. For her personality to the way she could brighten up any situation with a joke. Eventhough we only started talking again yesterday, I felt as if we had never stopped talking at all.

"What the fuck?" I said to myself dropping my phone on the table. "Let me see that," Janae swiped my phone from the table gasping soon after. The text was from my sister, Bronwyn, and it said that Jake was the killer. "Where is Addy and Nate in all of this?" She asked feeling the rage building up inside her. I could tell that Simon's death infuriated her.

"No clue, Nate's probably in there fucking my sister and selling drugs to Addy," I joked sounding serious. "I wouldn't be surprised to be honest," Janae replied tugging at the strands hanging down from her bun. "Don't pull your hair, I've seen way to many bald kids in my life," the memories of practically living in the hospital flooded my brain.

"I just think that it's fucked up that Jake, of all people, would kill Simon. Why?" Janae had calmed down once I had placed my hand on top of hers. "I know it's fucked, and my sister is fucked, by Nate but not the point," I laughed at the whole Bronwyn and Nate fucking business because I could honestly picture it. Not a wonderful thing to imagine while eating.

"You seriously believe they fucked?" Janae chuckled curiously. "No I don't believed they fucked, I believe they're fucking," I clarified forcing an even louder and uncontrollable laugh out of Janae.

The time on my phone read 12:48; I definitely wasn't making it back before 7th period. Not caring about my grades, I went back to stuffing pancakes in my mouth. "Pancakes, you like pancakes I take it," the blonde girl chuckled. "Yeah, how can't you?" I replied raising my eyebrows.

Knowing we should get back to school before Bronwyn decides to be separated from Nate and come find me, I swallowed loudly opening my mouth to speak. "We have to go," is all I could say. Truthfully, I didn't want to leave.

"Yeah that's fine," she agreed already stood up. Not even thirty minutes later, I was back in boring school. "Maeve Rojas report to the principals office," crackled out of the speakers. "Oh shit..." I murmured making my way to her office.

A/N: Imagine just imagine sneaking out of school with your crush while your sister is a murder suspect. Just imagine that.

                    1077 words

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