[3]: Graduation Orienataition

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It has been two days since the graduation exams yesterday. Everyone was given the day off to take their ninja profile picture and prepare anything they needed for orientation, and there was their first day as a shinboi.

Karen was in the bathroom getting ready for today as she was thinking about the possibility of some of the teammates she could end up with.

'I don't know who I want to be on a team with. I know one thing for sure I definitely don't want to be on a team with Sakura.' Karen thought, walking out of the bathroom and dressed into her usual outfit with her newly acquired headband on her forehead.

' Karen thought, walking out of the bathroom and dressed into her usual outfit with her newly acquired headband on her forehead

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"Alright, time to get going," She said, leaving her bedroom to head out.

As she headed towards the front door, she grabbed two pieces of toast and walked out of the house, sliding on her ninja sandals.


Karen was walking toward the Ninja Academy when she noticed a familiar presence coming her way.

She turned around to see none other than Tadami Hebikazoku headed towards the Academy as well.

"Ah Tadami, surprised you're not at the Academy already. You're usual; the second one there after Sasuke, the emo Uchiha," Karen stated.

"Rough night with my mother again, that's all," He replied in a quiet tone glancing at Karen with his golden snake eyes.

"I know the feeling. I wish I knew more about my real parents, but maybe there is a reason your mother doesn't share her past or your father's with you," Karen replied.

Tadami nodded."Yeah, I'm sure there is a reason at least I have my mother, but you don't have anyone."

"Hey, I got used to living alone in my new apartment," Karen replied.

"If you say so," He said as he and Karen continued the rest of the walk to the Ninja Academy in silence.


Karen and Tadami arrived at the academy seeing that Sasuke was the only one here like usual.

The two of them walked towards the back and sat down in their usual seat near the window.

After a couple of more minutes hours more people were filling in the classroom. They were both surprised to see Naruto with a headband on his forehead after failing the graduation exam.

"What are you doing here Naruto?" Shikamaru asked stopping next to the desk Naruto was resting his head on."This isn't for dropouts. You can't be here unless you graduated."

Naruto then started laughing."Oh yeah, do see this? Do you see this Shikamaru?" He asked pointing at his forehead protector."I did graduate I got a regulation headband. We're training together how do like being wrong?"

Karen shook her head at Naruto's behavior and pulled out a book tuning out her environment as Tadami was resting a hand against his left cheek looking out the window.

"That boy is too much," Tadami stated glancing briefly over at Karen who was reading a book with the title he had seen before on a book his mother read him once as a kid.

'The Tale of a Gusty Ninja. That book is different from her usual books about Justu or legendary ninjas it regular storybook for once.' Tadami thought looking at the book in her hand.

The sound of rushing footsteps was then suddenly heard from outside of the door.  Karen and Tadami both briefly glanced over towards the door to see Ino and Sakura barged into the classroom.

"I'm first!" They both exclaimed pushing each other as they entered the room.

Karen immediately went back to her reading as the two girls argued about who was first, whole Tadami was once again looking outside the window.

"So pathetic," Karen mumbled making Tadami glance over at her.

"If you're talking about the girls this yes, but if the book then don't know don't remember much of that story," Tadami commented.

"Girls," Karen replied not putting her book and continuing to ignore the girls fighting about sitting next to Sasuke.

A few minutes later she heard a gasp and glanced up to see Naruto and Sasuke kissing.

'Now that was unexpected. Naruto is in for a beating now.' Karen thought as her sister Sakura and the other girls walked over towards Naruto cracking their knuckles.

However, Iruka-sensei walked into the classroom with his usual clipboard in his hand broke up the girls beating on Naruto, and commanded everyone to take a seat.

Karen couldn't help but shake her head at Sakura sitting down next to Sasuke as if he were the most important person in the world. More important than training and people like that shouldn't even be shinboi in her opinion.

Once everyone was seated Iruka-sensei greeted the class with a warm smile like he does every single day, but the day the warmth was strong with warmth and pride in his eyes at the fact so many graduated from the Academy and on the way of becoming Shinboi.

"Starting today, all of you are real Shinboi, but you are still only Genin the rookie level of Shinboi. The hard journey ahead of you has just only started," Iruka-sensei started to explain."Now you will go on missions to help the village. So today we will create three-man teams, but in this case one four-man team since so many students this year graduated. Each team will have a Jounin sensei. You will follow your sensei's instructions in order to successfully complete your missions."

Karen closed her book as Iruka-sensei informed them of the team placements this year.

'One squad will have four members. Well, hopefully, I don't end up on that team. I don't care about anyone in this class except Tadami. It's bad enough they have to be teams of three. Well as long as it's not Sakura I'm fine I guess.' Karen thought hoping she was on the same team as Tadami.

"I will now announce the teams," Iruka-sensei said looking at his clipboard with the list of teams.


Hello readers.

Here is the third chapter of The Growth of a Blooming Flower. The rewrite of A Blooming Flower. Karen and Tadami arrived at orientation and found out one team would have four members, 

I haven't decided yet on which team, the two will end on but one will be on a team of four and the other on a team of made of Oc,  but you find out next chapter not many people were leaving suggestions so I decided on my own and you see what I decided on. I had an idea at first when planning the rewrite but decided I didn't want to go with it. I hope you enjoy the chapter vote and comment; let me know what you think.

Thanks for reading!

Word Count: 1142

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