She nods as she listens, "So, I went to get us some juice for the party then as I tried pouring the juice in the tea pot, but it spilt when I tried to pour it." "Then you took the juice into the living room, right?" I nod as she pats my back, "Then I waited on Ethan and Butch to come back from cleaning, so we can all play. Then mommy calls and says we were going to have pizza and I went to tell Butch and Ethan, but I accidentally slipped on the wet floor and pushed Butch on the wet floor then he pulls me very hard and spanked me I didn't know I did anything wrong." The woman peered up and with an agitated smile asked, "Were you playing on your X-screens? You have been told to watch pups they need someone to watch them remind them of the rules and never spank a toddler maybe when they are older and know better but she doesn't know any better." I wait for her to finish as she says, "I am the new kindergarten teacher here and I can't believe you boys would make her cry without giving her the proper warning and help."

She pulls her screen out and calls daddy, "Hello, this is Alpha Richard; how can I help you?" "Hi, Richard this is Lora from the fifth floor." "Yes, how are you and can I help you in any way?" "Yes, um I have a complaint about your apartment since I was visiting a friend on the seventh floor and heard your children yelling and a crying toddler." "Well, that can't sons are taking good care of our youngest." She whispers and I hear him yell, "Honey we will come back tomorrow when the kids are at school we have to go home now. We are sorry elders!" She hung up and smiled, "Your parents should be here to help rather than I lecture you."

Within ten minutes they were in the door as mommy pulls me into her arms and she pats my busted behind. "Victoria, look at her legs! I see the signs of someone disciplining Esther." She removes the romper and sees my bright red bottom. "Oh, my goodness, Richard, come here quickly!" "Well, she hasn't eaten yet either. Now Victoria what is it..." he looks at my bright red bottom as Lora tells them what happens as daddy takes all the boys outside. As mommy helps me eat my dinner by time I'm bathed and in pajamas they come back in soaking wet, "I hope running around the school twenty times made you see your mistakes since you already delivered a punishment that was unfit to your sister. Now you will all apologize and hand over your X-screens!"

One by one they all hand over a small block and apologize. Then they went to their rooms. I was taken to my room to be placed to bed, "Good night sweetie." They both kiss me on the head and I slowly nod off to sleep. In my dream I see my family from earth crying over the fact I haven't been found then I hear my mother say something "Is it true she is really dead?" "Ma'am it's been five months there is not much we can do and many believe it was a crazy fan." She sobbed, "You don't know that!" "We will keep looking, but there is little to no chance." I run over to them but am tripped. I turn to see what tripped me and what I see brings tears to my eyes. There was a chain that was connected to the wall a man grabs me as a woman talks to me.

I wake up crying and hear people moving around out of the room. I peek out and find that everyone was awake and in pajamas, "Will one of you boys go get your sister up?" they moan as Butch comes closer, "Esther get up it's time to eat." I had hurried over to the bed and acted as though I just climbed out of bed. I walk into the living room where all of my brothers were watching the morning news with daddy. I walk in the kitchen and mommy as food on the table, "Morning honey, go to the table and you can start eating." With a nod I climb into my chair.

I watch as mommy buckles me in and puts a plate of pancakes down and it had sausage and syrup! I couldn't wait since I haven't had pancakes since I was little. I start eating when the Happy Juice commercial comes on I kind of do a dance in the chair while I eat when I'm giving my cup with that same juice. "Boys time to eat!" I hear the commercial talk again. 'Earth flavor is so, popular right now that the first child to get it right won't only win their whole family a trip to Fairy Kingdom but will also get to meet the newest Princess Lily from the movie Lily and the five dancers.' "Esther, go ahead and try the juice and tell mommy what you think since daddy was the last to get the earth flavor."

I take a sip and notice the flavor since it was my favorite gum flavor, "Watermelon Lime!" my eyes glittered and shined as mommy opens her screen and talk to someone, I enjoyed my food, when mommy brought the screen to me, "Esther what does your happy juice taste like?" I see a man who reminded me of Walt Disney, "Watermelon Lime!" I said with a smile as the man nods, "Well Esther I can't wait to see you here in five months since right now we are closed for the fall and winter season, but congratulations you and your whole family won a trip to Fairy Kingdom! I will send you the newest movie of Lily and the five dancers. With that mommy and the man say good bye. She sat down with everyone and ate as daddy and mommy talk, "Today since your mother and I had missed our meeting with the elders due to last night, your mother and I cannot walk Esther to her daycare and will need one of you boys to take her."

The all had this face of not it, "Esther whom do you want to take you to school?" I look at mommy and ponder, "I want," I look around at them then took my sticky fingers and pointed at Butch. "I want Butch." "Alright then Butch you better go get ready you'll have to wait in a long line, parents get really emotional at these things and you'll want to be first." "No way father today they are having tryouts and if I'm seen walking her to school all the guys won't think I'm man enough to join the team." "Then all the girls will think you are, so sweet for taking your sister to school, and have a better chance to find a mate." Mommy said as I finish my plate of food. She took mine and her plate while placing them in the sink. Daddy took a baby wipe to my face and hands, while the boys slowly ate their food. "Now then Esther lets pick your clothes," Mommy said, as my crazy hair flies around with every look.

I nod as I am helped down and walked into the bedroom. "Mommy was thinking more of an apple." She pulled out a black shirt with an apple on the left side and red legging or stretchy pants. I nod while she takes my pajamas off, and with a quick easy slip I am in the clothes and getting my socks on. I slip on my white frilly socks on and find my church like shoes, "Alright I think we should pull your hair into a ponytail." I agree with Mommy as she starts to brush my hair. Once my hair is up, I find that mommy placed a bow in my hair.

She handed me a backpack with a character on it: I assumed it to be one of the princesses of their Fairy Kingdom. "Alright she is ready to go Butch!" Butch wore a uniform with black pants and a red jacket he had a seal on the right side of his pocket. His tie matched his jacket and his shirt was white he wore black loafers and had a traditional Japanese school kid briefcases backpack. "Do you have your pin? You know they do uniform checks today." I watch him pick up his pin it was in the shape of the school crest, "Yes, and I am putting it on my tie like they want it."

I watch mommy as she takes two pull-ups and puts them in my backpack, with a change of clothes. "Okay now mommy and daddy will give you your lunch and your nap mat. Then you are ready for your first day!" I nod as she walks into the kitchen while daddy writes my name on the red and blue mat. Grabbing the mat Butch watches, me as the lunch box is placed in my backpack. "Alright let's go!" I hug mommy and daddy before Butch grabs my hand, "Bye, bye sweetie your brothers will pick you up from school every day, okay?" I nod and walk out the door, Butch pushes the button as I look at it and push it too. He rolls his eyes and keeps checking is his watch. The door opens and I rush in and Butch fallows, he pushes the one button and I copy. "Stop that you are really annoying." I smirk as the normal me breaks through, "Well..." I start speaking to him in different languages. He looks shocked as I turn and smiled and walk out of the door, "Wait I thought they said you were an author!"

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