•How They Deal With Jealousy•

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Megsy isn't the MOST jealous, but he is definitely jealous.
And also one of the most vocal about it.
He is GOING to chew the person making him jealous out. He is GOING to be passive aggressive with them.
Nobody tries to flirt with the light of HIS life, no-siree.
He will literally start to call you his Y/N, just to get it drilled into the person's head.
You're one of the only positive things in his life, he is NOT losing that.

Okay so first of all, Liquidator LOVES to show you off and brag about you to. Literally everyone.
Darkwing, the rest of the Fearsome Five, random civilians caught up in one of his schemes, ANYONE and EVERYONE, they have to listen to him brag about his amazing, adorable partner.
Sometimes, if you feel like it, he'll let you tag along on his 'errands', it'll just give him more chances to brag about you, and love the hell out of you!
If someone compliments you, or looks at you a certain way, he IMMEDIATELY puts his arm around either your waist or shoulder, just as a sly "This one's mine, pal" to them.
He'll be glaring absolute DAGGERS at them too, aswell as be EXTREMELY passive-aggressive. He gets really jealous, really easily.
Other than this, most of his jealous feelings come out AFTER you both get away from the person showing interest. He will be just. All up in your personal space. He needs cuddles.

Bushroot doesn't really get.. jealous, so to speak, at least not in an angry sense.
Instead, he just gets sad and scared. He doesn't wanna lose you, never ever!
So, if he ever goes out in public with you and someone talks to you, he just. Silently holds your hand tighter.
However, if they ACTIVELY hit on you, then it's a whole new story.
He will start being veeeeery extra with the lovey-doveyness.
Sickeningly sweet nicknames, lots of kisses on the forehead and cheek, anything to not-so-discreetly tell the flirter to piss off. This man will smother you in love and affection IN PUBLIC.
If the flirter still doesn't get the hint, he is pulling you out of there, not wanting you to get uncomfortable.

If there is one thing Quacky doesn't do, it's discreetness.
This man WILL be blunt about it, if he thinks someone is interested in you.
He'll drill it into their brain that you are HIS partner, not theirs. If they continue, however, Quacky is gonna woop some ass verbally.
He is not putting up with that shit.
Also, he will smother you in kisses and hugs and hand holding if he's unsure if a person is into you.
He is.. extremely jealous.
If someone is VERY actively flirting with you, that is the ONE time he is serious about ANYTHING. Quacky is gonna fuck that bitch up.

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