•How They Comfort You•

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This was requested by ahhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaA!

If Megsy knew you felt crappy, he would go the extra fucking mile to help you feel better.
If you wanted to talk about it, he's all ears. If you wanna get your mind off of it and just think about something else, he's cool with that too, and is ready to talk to you about whatever you want!
He'd definitely get you little gifts, but they ahh. Aren't the most normal gifts. Mans would probably get you a light bulb, or some other lil odd trinket. But, you love them all that same.
He'd go to hell and back, just to cheer you up!
Also, he might be a little hesitant with affection (he doesn't wanna shock you), but God damnit, of you wanna cuddle, than by golly YOU TWO ARE GONNA CUDDLE.

His lil doll, sad? Nuh uh, not on his watch.
He knew you probably didn't want to be soaked, so he thought of a solution.
This man put on a rain jacket and rubber gloves, just so he could hug you.
And let me tell you, when you aren't getting absolutely DRENCHED, he gives surprisingly good hugs.
Liquidator would 100% give you little gifts (like Megavolt, but with more practical things, like a new blanket) to try to help cheer you up, aswell as showering you in lots of sickeningly sweet compliments!~
He'd remind you that no matter what, he'd be there to help you feel better, and even if you couldn't feel better, he'd still be there for you!
Also. If someone hurt you, he's gonna go have a.. 'conversation' with them. Once your needs are met, of course.

Bushroot knows how to comfort others, despite not being able to comfort himself.
He'd wrap you up, all cozy in a blanket, and make sure you stay nice and hydrated. Crying can really dehydrate you, y'know!
He'll listen to you vent about what you're upset about, and if you let him, he'll play with your hair to calm you down while he listens to your woes.
Once you're done venting, he'll absolutely SMOTHER you in love and affection until you feel better. He'd do ANYTHING to make you feel better, really.

Quacky hated seeing you upset, so when you told him you were feeling down in the dumps, that was just no good.
As soon as he got the chance, he'd be telling you joke after joke, trying his hardest to make you laugh, or at least crack a smile.
If that didn't work, however, he'd be wrapping you up in his arms, and giving you all the cuddles and kisses you needed. He'd do anything he could, just to see you smile again, even if it meant having to stay still long enough to cuddle you until you felt better.
If that takes a bit too long for his liking though, he may end up tickling you, just to get you to laugh for him again, so beware~

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