•How you met•

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       You were at your job at the Hamburger Hippo, working the night shift. You were cleaning the kitchen, mopping up a bit of a soda spill, when you noticed the lights seemed to be getting dimmer. You looked out to the empty seating area, to see a strangely dressed rat, stealing a lightbulb from behind the counter.
He was softly mumbling to himself, something about freeing the lightbulbs? You cleared your throat at him, raising an eyebrow.
"Can I help you, sir?" You asked, causing his head to turn in your direction. He stared at you for a minute.
"Uhh.. you saw nuthin'-" He responded, quickly stuffing the stolen lightbulb into his bag, before hopping over the counter, beginning to scurry away.
"HEY!- Get back here!-" You called after him, dropping your mop, beginning to run after him.
You didn't even know why you were chasing him. You didn't want the lightbulb, but this was WAY more interesting than your boring job.
During your chase, you somehow found yourself on top of a building. A pretty tall one too- The rat man quickly jumped onto the next rooftop, stopping for a sec to catch his breath. You quickly tried to do the same, but you slipped as you jumped.
You grabbed onto the edge of the roof, just barely holding on. You dug your fingers into the hard material, trying to save yourself. However, you could feel yourself slipping.
"Shit-" You muttered to yourself as you felt yourself begin to fall, closing your eyes as you awaited impact. However, seconds later, you felt two gloved hands grab your arm, attempting to pull you up.
You opened your eyes, looking up at your hero, only to see the rat you were chasing down, pulling you up. You grabbed onto the ledge with your other hand, pulling yourself up, just sitting there on your hands and knees. You panted softly, your heart beating out of your chest.
After a moment, you looked back up at him, your eyes meeting his. You gulped for a moment, before shakily standing up. You brushed yourself off, still looking into his eyes (which were covered by goggles).
"Th... Thank you. Uhh- Sorry for chasing you-" You sputtered, awkwardly scratching the back of your neck. He looked at you with a confused expression.
"Chasing me?- You were chasing me?- Oh- Yeah, you were- Uhh- It's fine, happens all the time!-" Well this guy sure was scatterbrained- He looked around slightly.
"You're not with that Dorkwing Duck, are ya?-" You shook your head.
"Um- No?" He sighed with relief, picking his bag of stolen lightbulbs back up, slinging it over his shoulder. "Good-" He held out his hand. "I'm Megavolt!" What a weird name, for an equally weird guy. You softly shook his hand.
"(Y/N). It's nice to meet ya.. Megavolt." He smiled a bit, before quickly skittering away, off to do.. whatever he does.
Time to figure out how to get home from here.

You just got yet another door slammed in your face.
At this point, nobody had wanted to buy your product, and you thought nobody would. You were a self-employed salesman, going door-to-door, trying to sell your products you had made. You dragged your box away, sitting down on a bench.
"Great, just great... At this rate, I'll never make a sale.." You huffed, kicking a small rock that was in front of you.
The rock went down a sewer drain, as you heard a soft 'sploosh' sound. But it sounded WAY closer to the top than it should. Then.. you heard someone speak (or more accurately, yelp).
"AH- New weather forecast for today, rock rain!!-" The voice sounded slightly garbled, like the person was underwater, yet still somehow you could tell what they were saying.
You raised an eyebrow at this, rather confused.
Who was in the sewers?
And why did they sound like that? Were they drowning?
No, they sounded fine, other than the slight gargle-
Before you could finish that thought, water shot out from the manhole, forming a large puddle.
You shrieked, hopping up onto the bench for.. protection? You genuinely didn't know.
The puddle quickly turned into a.. a guy? A dog, made entirely of water. He looked around, seeming to wonder where exactly he was.
He then looked over at you, his liquid eyes looking into yours for a moment, before he began walking over to you. He just stood there, menacingly, before holding his hand out for you to shake.
"Hey there! Liquidator, owner of Sparkling Crystal Pure Flood Water, how are ya?" He said with a grin. You paused, your eyes flickering between his face and his hand. His grin began to fade. "Ya gonna respond, or?-"
You hesitantly reached your hand out, shaking his hand.
Despite being made of water, he seemed somewhat solid.
"Uh.. (Y/N)..-" Liquidator's grin returned.
"Pleasure to meet ya, (Y/N)! Whatcha got there?" He asked, pointing to your box. You just sighed, pulling out a stuffed animals.
"Homemade plushies. It was supposed to be a two-for-one deal, for every stuffy you buy, ya get a free bath bomb.. it's kinda dumb, I know-"
He interrupted you, grabbing the stuffed animal from your hand.
"That's a BRILLIANT idea! You're a real salesman, ya know that, kid?- These are so cute, you made these?!-" He laughed, holding up the small stuffy.
You paused, before smiling softly. "You really think so?-"
Liquidator nodded, handing you back the (now damp) plush toy. "Yeah! How are these not flying off the shelves, this is a smokin' hot bargain!"
You paused, sighing softly.
"People don't want or need stuffed animals, OR bath bombs..."
He paused, his fist resting on his chin, letting out a small 'hmmm'. His eyes then lit up. "Ya just gotta make em THINK they need it! Ya gotta have the salesman mentality! Ya gotta go big, go strong!"
You paused, before nodding.
"Yeah... Yeah, you're right! I just need to word it right!" You jumped up from the bench, stuffing the plush back into the box, picking up the box and walking over to the nearest house, quickly knocking on the door.
You looked back at Liquidator, who was giving you two supportive thumbs up. You then quickly looked back at the door, seeing an middle-aged duck woman open the door. You cleared your throat.
"Hey, I'm (Y/N) (L/N), can I interest you in a stuffed animal? All homemade, and with every purchase, you get a free bath bomb!" You explained with a grin. The woman paused, looking confused.
"Why would I need a stuffed animal? Or a bath bomb?"
You quickly came up with a response. "Well, a plush can be useful for many reasons! It can be rather therapeutic to hug it, or you can give it to a younger family member, or a friend's child, or anyone really! It always makes a good gift! AND, (Y/N)-brand bath bombs give off a nice, relaxing scent!"
The silence after you said that was almost deafening. The duck woman than smiled, nodding softly.
"Alright, I'll take one! How much?" Your heart nearly burst out of your chest.
"$2!" She nodded, handing you the money, grabbing a cute little stuffed bear and a strawberry scented bath bomb, before closing the door.
You looked down at that $2 in your hand and SQUEALED.
You ran back over to your new liquid-y friend.
"I did it! I really did it, did you SEE that, I made a SALE!!!" He laughed happily, ruffling your hair, effectively soaking it.
"I told ya you could do it, kid! They're gonna be sellin' like hotcakes in no time!"
Hey.. maybe he was right!

It was a rather normal day, and you were doing some volunteer work down at the local greenhouse, watering some of the flowers and other plants.
As you did so, you began taking some little aesthetic photos of the plants, for your blog. You soon walked up to a.. peculiar looking plant. It was a bit taller than you, had a humanoid shape, and you swear it looked like it was covering his face.
You decided to shrug it off, since you've seen weirder. You picked up your watering can, sprinkling a bit of water around its base. As you did so, it began.. MOVING?!
It moved its leaf-like hands away from its face, revealing eyes and a bill. Was this some kind of half-duck, half-plant creature?!
You stumbled backwards, your eyes widening. The thing looked around, before its eyes connected with yours. It had a very gentle face, like the kind of face that just looked like it belonged to a very kind person.
It's expression softened from an angry, confused scowl to a soft, even more confused frown.
"Who are you..? I thought this place was closed today!-" It asked, seeming a tad bit scared. It's voice was masculine and soft, and he had a slight bit of a lisp.
"I-I um.. I'm volunteering here- To take care of the plants..?" You sputtered out, your eyes wide.
He let out a small 'oh', before softly scratching his head, stepping out of his plant pot, revealing his root-like legs.
"Better find a new place to hide than- If you can find me, so can.. HIM." He exclaimed, shivering slightly. You raised an eyebrow, a bit confused.
"Who..?-" He paused for a moment. "...Darkwing Duck. My arch nemesis!" You nodded softly, remembering hearing something about that guy. He sounded like a real jerk.
"Well in that case, you need to get outta here- Feel free to take some fertilizer- If you need that, I mean-" You chuckled awkwardly, getting a nod from him.
"Alright, thank you, (Y/N)!-" He quickly grabbed a bag of fertilizer, beginning to run towards the door.
"H-Hey, wait!-" You stopped him, causing him to turn around. "How do you know my name..?" You asked, looking a bit concerned. He paused, before pointing to your chest.
"Your name tag?"
You felt kinda dumb.  "Oh- Well, you're welcome, mister.."
"Doctor! I-It's um- It's Dr. Bushroot, thank you-" He smiled nervously. You nod, smiling back.
"Well, stay safe, Dr. Bushroot!"
He nods back at you, before quickly leaving.

You were working the nightshift at the local toy store once again, restocking the shelves, filling them with teddy bears and little building block kits, and other such things.
As you entered another isle with your box of supplies, you heard a soft jingling of bells, aswell as a soft chuckle. You peeked around the corner, seeing the ends of a jester's hat, aswell as some tail feathers speed behind a shelve
. You gasp softly, your eyes widening. There was an intruder!
You grabbed a foam sword, deciding you needed SOMETHING to defend yourself with.
"Hey! Jingles, show yourself! Come out with your hands up, and I may not call the police!" You call out into the dim darkness. The intruder let out another cheerful chuckle.
"Ohhh, a new friend!~" A masculine, silly-sounding voice responded. It didn't really SOUND threatening. Soon, a figure emerged. It was a duck.. dressed as a clown? He also had oddly large teeth.
"Listen Chuckles-" He interrupted you.
"Quackerjack!" You paused.
"... Huh?-" You were quite obviously confused.
He dramatically rolled his eyes, placing his hands on his hips. "My naaaaame is Quackerjack!" He huffed, seeming to pout. You rolled your eyes, shaking your head.
"Well, Quackerjack, why are you here?! We're closed. AND we're not looking for a mascot." You snapped back. Before he responded, you saw a bag he was holding.
Through the opening, you saw a plethora of toys inside.
"Hey! Are you stealing those?!-" You questioned, causing him to grin.
"Such a clever little thing you are!~ Once all these boring ol' toys are gone from your shelves, and there are no toys left in town, the kiddos will have to buy MY toys!!" He giggled cheerfully, hopping up and down softly, causing an annoying jingling to come from his dumb hat.
"Oh no ya don't! You won't be stealing anything!" You exclaim, pulling out your phone. "I've got the police on speed dial!"
He laughed, dropping the bag as he did a cartwheel towards the door. "Oh-ho, you're a funny one!~ I'd love to stay and chat, buuuut, gotta bounce!" He nearly squealed with laughter, hopping through the door, beginning to run away, you following him to the door.
"Hey!- Get back here!!- Quackerjack! You!!- You! Gahhhh!!" You growled angrily, stuffing your phone in your pocket.
You just huffed, trudging over to the shelves, re-shelving the swiped toys.

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