•How they realized they were in love•

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You two had met multiple times at this point, and even considered eachother friends! However, internally, he saw you as more.
Everytime he was around you, it was like he forgot about all his problems. He felt.. calm. Happy, even. He even began thinking about you more often, even when you were apart.
He found you amazing.
You were so smart, so kind, you actually cared about him...
He was having thoughts like these one night, alone in his dusty apartment. He kept thinking about your smile.. it was electrifying. Soon enough, his thoughts focused on other parts of you.
Your beautiful eyes, your silky hair, your soft hands.. but soon enough it returned to your radiant smile.
Or more specifically.. your lips.
The thought of kissing you rang through his mind. He thought this was weird and tried to shake it off.
He knew it was weird to think of his friend in such a way- But he couldn't help it!
Eventually, one night, as you two were hanging out, his eyes drifted to your lips. And he felt the urge to take your hands in his own and just.. kiss you. His heart began to beat faster at the thought, and his cheeks turned a soft pink!
He felt butterflies in his stomach.
He didn't act on this urge, but that was the moment he realized that this was more than just him being curious.

After the sales incident, you and Liquidator decided to keep in touch. You two had hung out quite alot, either him watching you make your products while you chatted, or just chilled and talked for as long as you could.
Despite the fact he soaked the stuffed animals whenever he tried to hold them, he still invested in your little business! Mainly for the bath bombs though, since he figured out that they could change his color for a bit AND doubled as cologne, which he thought was just amazing. He didn't mind being pink for a little while if it ment he could smell like cherries!
Anyways, one of these times you were hanging out, you were ranting about a particularly annoying email you had gotten from a 'influencer', asking for a free product, in exchange for 'exposure'. After begging for a bit, they proceeded to call your products trash, and insulted you. After this, you blocked them, but you were still pissed off over it.
As you vented and ranted to Liquidator, he felt terrible for you. He just felt worse as you sniffled, seemingly holding back a tear. You were an angry crier, so this was normal, and he knew this.
But that didn't make him feel less bad for you.
He just scooped you up, hugging you tightly. He began reassuring you, telling you that all businesses go through this at some point, and eventually you'd get used to it.
Him holding you just caused essentially your entire body to get soaked, but neither of you cared. It was nice. You just held onto him tight, quietly crying into his chest, softly thanking him.
He felt his non-existent heartbeat quicken, as his face heated up a bit. He just wanted to hold you like this forever, and keep you safe.
You were so small compared to him. He held you for a little while longer, before placing you down, laughing awkwardly about how he didn't mean to soak you.
You just laughed, wiping your tears away, saying you didn't mind.
He definitely has to find a way to touch you without making you feel like you just got thrown in a pool.

You quickly got fired from your volunteer position at the greenhouse because of the missing fertilizer situation, you taking the blame for Dr. Bushroot.
You didn't think you'd ever see him again, but.. on the way home to your apartment one day, you saw him in an alleyway. He questioned you as to why you hadn't been at the Greenhouse in a while, explaining that he had gone back the next day, to thank you properly, with a gift, but there was a new attendant, who had yelled at him to leave.
You apologized and told him how you got fired and such. He seemed upset by this.
You didn't deserve that, you just wanted to help someone out! You shrugged it off, not really caring, since you weren't getting paid anyway.
You two talked for a while, before the topic of where he was staying after leaving the greenhouse. He hesitantly told you that he was just kind of sneaking around the streets.
What you did in response to this was surprising to him.
You offered to let him stay at your place for a while.
You were.. so kind! Kindness, that wasn't something he was used to getting, as he was always bullied by his co-workers and bosses.
He gladly accepted your offer, and as the weeks went by, he learned more about you.
You were so interesting to him! He loved listening to you talk! Your voice was heavenly to listen to!
One day, you were rambling to him about something you were interested in, and he just sat there and listened, for at least 20 minutes, maybe more! But he didn't want you to stop talking! He could listen to you talk forever, and never get bored of it.
As this thought lingered in his mind, his smile faded a little bit.
Oh no.
He was in love again.

You didn't really like Quackerjack, at least at first.
However, he thought you were an absolute joy to be around, despite your aggression towards him.
He popped into you job every now and then, just to say hello and chat. Since he wasn't trying to steal anything anymore, you didn't feel the need to kick him out.
Every night, you two would chat about basically anything.
He usually asked you random questions about yourself. Like your name, pronouns, your hobbies, favorite color, ect., ect.
He never asked anything too private or weird, he just wanted to get to know you a bit better, god knows the reason why.
One night, you had finished your tasks early, so you two were just chatting, and he decided to crack a joke. It was something about fish, but that wasn't the part he liked.
What came next, however, made his entire night.
You laughed at his joke. Not just a snicker or giggle, like you usually did, but a full-on laugh. He felt his heart skip a beat.
He thought your laugh was adorable, and oh-so contagious!
He began laughing along with you. Over the next hour or so, you traded jokes and puns, absolutely cackling at the them.
At one point, you were both able to stop giggling, before looking into each other's eyes, and of COURSE Quackerjack made a silly face at you, causing you to spiral back into giggles. This continued all the way until you had to go home.
That night, he fell in love with you, and that amazing laugh of yours.

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