The Meeting, Again

Start from the beginning

Leah stayed until her puffy eyes had disappeared, leaving in a better state than the one she arrived in. I left it until the following day to text, knowing that night was probably a night that the two had managed to speak about how they both felt, wanting to give them privacy.

How are you today?

A lot better. You were right, we had a cry together about how much we both missed him and ended up laughing at our memories of him.

Mum's are always right ;)

Try telling Aoife that!

I'll not bother! :) xx

— — — —

"Mummy!" I heard the kids running downstairs.
"You've got Grandma today!" I shouted before they both jumped on me.
"Where are they?" Aoife asked, a smile growing on her face.
"Hospital?" She gasped.
"Yep. Baby brother or sister is on the way!"

The day was filled with what time are we going, when can we go, is the baby here yet questions on repeat. I tried to distract them, and myself, the best I could. I didn't want them to see my worry, but it had been hours now and I hadn't heard from Leah or Alex. This was Alex's second birth, usually they were shorter than the first, so why haven't we heard anything 12 hours later?

My phone had been ringing nonstop, from Leah's Dad, Jacob, Holly, Leah's Grandma, and of course Janice. The girls had been extremely clear that the moment Alex went into the hospital, Janice was to be told; Alex wanted her to feel like part of the family, despite Peter no longer being here. The more my phone went off, the more my worry grew. I decided to text Leah, knowing I probably wouldn't get a reply but that she would definitely see it, checking her phone to make sure the kids were okay.

Hope all is going well. Shouldn't be long to go now. Can't wait to meet him/her xx

A few minutes later, a short text came back from Leah. One that made my heart stop, forcing me to take a seat to stop my legs from dropping.

They've just told her to stop pushing.

Despite having two children myself, I didn't know an awful lot about childbirth, but I think anyone knows that if you've been told to stop pushing there is something severely not right. I looked to the two excited children, hoping that if this were not to turn out how we had all hoped, Leah and Alex would find strength in their innocence.

My phone rang just after 3pm, my heart beating out of my chest as I left the room to take the call. If they're calling to say the baby isn't coming home, what do I say? How do you comfort two grieving parents? What if something has happened to Alex? Question after question flooded through my brain in the few seconds before I picked up the phone.

"Hi bubba."
"Hi Mum, baby boy. He's perfect." Leah said tearily.
"Oh god. He's here! Oh Leah, I've been so worried."
"Few complications, he's here though. Massive cry out of him, he's gone to neonatal for some observations but the nurses said he'll probably be back round in a few hours. Don't tell the kids until we know exactly what's going on."
"What kind of complications? How's my Alex?"
"A thing called Erb's palsy. His shoulder got stuck, so it's damaged some of his nerves, his arm will be paralysed but they're doing tests to figure out if he will be able to make a full recovery or not. Alex is tired, really exhausted. I've managed to get her over to sleep there for a bit, she was amazing Mum. I couldn't have done it." She gushed.
"Let me know when you get an update, I'll hold off on telling these two he's here until we know more. Give Alex a kiss and hug from me, I'm so proud of you both."

Leah's voice was filled with excitement, a new addition to their family being all that was on her mind. I loved that about her, a potential disability was irrelevant to her, she was just happy that he was as healthy as he could be. Her gushing over Alex wasn't surprising, it was all she had done since the moment the two had met.

— — — —

He's back in with us now, can you bring our babies up to meet him please?x

Yes yes yes! I can't wait to cuddle all FIVE of you! X

I wouldn't be here with them if it wasn't for you, Mum. I hope you know that x

I ran into the kitchen causing Aoife and Theo to look up immediately in anticipation for what I was going to say.

"So... Will we go meet this little brother of yours?" I cheered.
"Yes please!" The two said in unison.

I had never witnessed them move so quickly to put their shoes on, cutely picking up the teddy we had bought for the arrival and chanting baby brother baby brother as they headed to the car. The chanting didn't stop, continuing for the entire 15 minute trip to the hospital, and ending only as we made it onto the ward. It became questions of how many more steps until we see him, which one are they in, is mummy tired?

"Hello you two!" I heard Alex call out as the two almost walked by the room.
"Mummy!" They smiled.
"Are you going to come and meet your little brother?" Leah said softly, her eyes glazing over at the thought.

The children crept slowly towards the cot beside the bed, both peeping over the top. Aoife placed her hand into the cot, her little finger tracing the back of the little one's hand until he affectionately took hold of her finger.

"He's holding my hand, Mummy." She whispered as she grinned towards Leah.
"He's beautiful isn't he?" Leah was struggling to choke back her tears.
"I love him." Theo said as he stood on his tiptoes to get a better view.

Alex turned her head to the side, exhaustion clear in her movements, but nonetheless determined to make sure I was involved.

"He needs a Grandma cuddle." She beamed at me.

— — — —

After lots of hugs and plenty of photographs, Alex and Leah explained that the older two had to be really careful around their brother because he had a 'sore' shoulder. Taking to their roles immediately, they promised to make sure his shoulder got better and asked what they could do to help. As we carried on our conversation, Leah nodded silently in Theo's direction as Alex and I looked to see what she was trying to highlight; his tiny little hand was gently rubbing his brothers shoulder, almost as if he thought he could fix it for him.

"What's his name?" Aoife said as Leah and Alex laughed.
"He doesn't have one yet." Alex chuckled.
"We can't just call him baby." Theo pouted.
"We won't, mate. We were waiting for Grandma to pick a name." Alex placed her hand on mine.
"Me?" I felt the tears find their way to my eyes.
"Yes, you. Our biggest supporter in everything we have been through, their biggest supporter. Aoife got my Mum's name, now you get to pick his."
"Alex, after everything you've been through the last few hours, I think you should get to pick the name." I said, trying not to scream out that I already had a name in mind.
"Everything I've been through was made easier by the daughter you raised, Amanda. I owe it all to you."

Who knew people like Alex even existed?

"Well I did have a name in mind, one I actually thought of when Leah was at my house. Months ago, just after your Dad passed."
"The day I was crying?" Leah rolled her eyes, making Alex laugh.
"Yes, that day."
"I was crying and my Mum was just thinking up baby names." Leah joked.
"I told you that your little one would be the light that would see you through all of this." I smiled.
"I remember." Leah awaited my choice.
"There's an Irish name that means light, it also means warrior. He has been the light for you both, and he's already been a warrior." I continued.
"Finn." Alex smiled, knowing the name right away.
"Yes, Finn. If you don't like it I can -"
"I love it, Alex? What do you think?" Leah leaned down to kiss her forehead.
"I think the Irish are about to outweigh the English in our house." Alex grinned.
"You can keep dreaming babe, you all have my English surname." Leah ruffled the top of Alex's hair, making the rest of us laugh.

And just like that, he had a name.

Finn Williamson

All part of a journey that started out with a simple meeting.

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