Part X: Into the Unknown

Start from the beginning

"When will I be able to view the prophecy with my own eyes? How do I know the prophecy is real or fulfilled properly?" I asked softly.

Nemesis stepped up. "Champion or not, believe the gods! I get tired of you questioning and doubting-"

Lyssa placed her hand up and Nemesis silenced herself. She pulled me close and whispered.

"The furies, killed the only one who is able to see prophecies. But since the Furies worked closely with Ares and now he's dead, everything in his possession belongs to me. Including her eyes, which are the source of her power. Whenever there is a prophecy told, the eyes glow, revealing a language on it. The Mania read it aloud to me. I simply find those who the prophecy needs and there it is fulfilled," Lyssa replied.

I sighed and nodded. Maybe killing Kratos is the only way to fulfill my destiny.

"When can I see it?"

"Once it is fulfilled," she said, holding my hands tight. "Kratos' death will be the key to seeing your prophecy and what lies next for you."

I nodded and looked down.

"I believe in you. Your mind is sharp so you won't fall for his trickery, and you are as powerful, if not more powerful than him. You will be fine."

She let my hands go and softly smiled, turning away from me.

"Amphitrite is waiting on you. She says you have a lead on where to go, regarding the hunt for Kratos," Hecate said, creating a portal. "This will help you get there faster."

I bowed a bit. "Thank you Hecate. Zagreus and Damon are coming with me to Amphitrite," I said as Zagreus took my hand.
"Thank you all, and I will see you when I return!"

Damon eagerly jumped into the portal first and Zagreus and I followed behind, landing on the shores near Demeter's domain.  It was on a beach, and it felt nice. I rarely got to come here during my training but I would sneak off occasionally. Zagreus smiled as I closed my eyes.

"Something nice before your departure is always good," he says softly. I felt him move my hair out of my face and his gaze softened once I opened my eyes.

"I'm just taking it all in, that's all," I replied.

Damon was having the time of his life, running around in the sand, tongue out and joyous.

"My, my, look at the lovebirds!" Amphitrite said, coming out of the water. She summoned a boat. It wasn't grand, which was definitely appreciated, but it was big enough for Damon and I and my supplies. "Now, if you head North, there is Atlantis. But I know you're journeying past it. Continue North and you'll arrive at the island where you defeated the Hydra. Your connection to us was cut once you were, I'd say 2000 feet away from the island where the Hydra was. I saw that you were pulled 2000 feet away from the island towards the East. Hermes death blessed me with navigation since most mortals use boats or horses. I have knowledge in it. Now what I do want to know is how you plan on finding Kratos once you're away."

"The best way is to ask those who are on the land with him. Lyssa had a cloth that has Kratos' scent. Damon should be able to track him, even if Kratos is in far isolation from others. There's no way other people haven't seen him though. It's absolutely impossible. He's been gone for years from Greece," I replied, rubbing my forehead.

Zagreus looked at me and his eyes pierced mine.

"This is where I let you go, huh?"

I smiled softly. "Sadly, yes."

Amphitrite smiled. "I'll give you both time to yourselves to say goodbye. Adoni, if you need me while you are in my waters, then pray. I know your voice all too well, niece."

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