"Ok." She understood that perfectly fine, and they entered the room. She was looking over some paperwork, but turned when they arrived. She smiled, but... her eyes reflected a quiet sadness. "Hello Dearie. Aizawa."

He nodded, while Ochako smiled and responded with a wave. "Hello!"

She asked earnestly, "How are you feeling?"
"Honestly..." She thought for a moment. "Tired."

"That is fair." The Youthful hero brought over a clip board. "I've never seen anything like your condition. Don't worry, Nezu has told me everything, even about that ghost boy in your system."

They were both confused. "Okay...?"
"So, based on what you have described, he is able to increase your thinking capacity, overclock your natural healing processes, and allows you to fly... but there are downsides to that. The main one being... your body. It's degrading your body integrity. Your mind isn't getting enough sleep because the boy is thinking while you're sleeping, meaning no REM sleep. And, on top of that, due to overclocking your healing factor... your body's natural healing processes is being damaged. This can lead to withering away because your body can't replace cells normally. Basically... your condition is killing you. Every time you heal with his help, you are cutting your time even shorter. At this rate..." She paused, "You have less than a year to live."

"Less than a... year?" She stopped, completely frozen. They both were speechless. Izuku's ramblings, an analysis of the heroine, a whisper in her mind, ceased as soon as he heard the same news she did.

She nodded, "Yes. If there is something you need to do, we'll try to do our best to accommodate it. You are one of our students, and we'd be heartless not to."

Ochako asked, scared at the news. "What... what will happen?"

Recovery girl answered. "Well, it's a race between what will fail first. Your body, or your mind."

"I... I see..."

Aizawa gripped her shoulder. A gesture of compassion from one for whom it is usually a stranger. His eyes conveyed the same emotion, an unusual look for someone who usually looks dead inside. "You... don't need to attend classes if you don't want to. Not anymore. You should probably tell your friends, and your family... before it is too late."
All she could say was a weak, "Yes sir." before turning and leaving. "I... need some time to think."

The adults understood, and didn't stop her from leaving.

Izuku said, I am so, so sorry... I'm ruining your life. It's all my fault.

Hey, it's not that bad. You're my best friend. I'm glad to have met you, for the little time I have.

But... our souls will still survive, right?

I don't know, Izuku, I don't know.

Aizawa watched the two souled person leave. She had terrible luck to begin with, and this was the poisoned icing on the cake. Now, however, it was time for the weekly staff meeting. Something he was not looking forward to. After all, Hound Dog was to report on the first meeting he had.

Housekeeping matters were quick to go through. Most hero students had picked their hero names, with a few exceptions. One of those was a perfect segway to the next part: Katsuki Bakugo.

Hound Dog immediately glanced at his fellow teacher. "I apologize for my remarks in yesterday's message. I do not envy your task. Katsuki Bakugo is a mess, and I fully think that his record should be updated to strike two in the policy."

That raised a ton of eyebrows. 

"That quickly?"

"Yes. It's clear that he meant to cause great harm during the Sports Festival. We were lucky that Ochako Uraraka had a quirk evolution, because if she didn't, then he would have been a PR nightmare, Grrrr... If she was moved classes, or he placed in another, it is clear that he would just target another." The Hunting Hero turned to Nezu. "Sir, what do... Grr..." He paused, bringing himself under control. Not unusual when dealing with him. But what he asked next was: "What... do we know about his previous school?"

"His previous school?" The white furred mammal asked, "Let me see..." Nezu opened his file. "Hm... Aldera High... Squeaky clean record... wait... some of these don't make sense. Aizawa..." he turned to his 1A teacher. "What was your initial assessment of him?"

"He is a thug. Brutish. Same vein as Endeavour. If I had my expulsion ability, I would have done so day one. His attitude has no place in heroics. The multiple overboard attacks would be illegal if we didn't shelter him. I approve Inui's suggestion."

Considering the facts, Nezu decided to make an announcement, an ultimatum. "Hm... Well, he's on his final strike. If he does not start shaping up by his third appointment, in two weeks, or directly attacks a classmate... he's expelled, effective immediately. Are there any questions?"

There were none. All the teachers could tell, that this was a messy case, one way or another. No matter how it ended...

"Final word, about a different student..." Recovery Girl started. "Ochako Uraraka. I've been running tests because of her awakening, but... there are very concerning signs." She handed over a file to pass around. "Her quirk is killing her. Essentially, it's putting her body into overdrive. Her sharper mental acuities? It's stressing her mind, damaging the neural connections. Healing factor? Degrading the natural healing factors. She's dying. Essentially, Katsuki forced her body into a very slow death. I think that could be considered manslaughter, and a potential Third Strike."

Nezu, however, shot that down. "No. He had no idea this state would happen, and that matter is closed. However, just know that Uraraka will not be attending classes for the foreseeable future. That is all."

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