"Listen, I appreciate you trying to make it up with me, but non of your bull craps going to work, at-least work on me." He says as he begins to walk towards me. "Liv listen, you got caught, stop lying and just tell the truth." He says as I just stood in shock

"Man I'm serious, really!?" I cry as he just shakes his head. "Listen I got a match with Riddle Thai week on Raw, you can come out with him and help defense him in his match, he'll need it because imm kill his ass." He says, as he opens up my front door and begins to leave, slamming it behind him. I fall against the walls and start to quiet cry, as my dogs come around me trying to comfort me. It's going to be harder than I thought to get him back.

That week on Raw

"Come on babe, time for my match!" Riddle yells to me as I quickly go to him. "Riddle, I do t wanna come ringside for your match." I say to him as he nudges me. "Come on babe bro, I know your just mad cause your exe is fighting me tonight, but don't worry everyone else has been able to beat his ass easily, it will be a walk in the park for me!" Riddle says as I frown a little. I didn't wanna be with Riddle, I wanted to be with Austin.

Riddle took my hand, and we began to walk to the entrance ramp.


His theme begins to play as we both walk towards the ring.

Corey Graves: dang I feel so bad for my man Austin. His girl literally cheated on him with this asshole

Kevin Patrick: I heard he just snapped after that, he's been going on a rampage ever since, attacking anyone he can!

Corey Graves: won't be surprise if he finds enjoyment from beating the crap out of Riddle

I watch Riddle from the outside of the ring as he finishes up his entrance

A-Town DOWN..... LETS GO!

Austin's entrance begins to play as I just stare at him, and back at Riddle. Austin comes out with 2 kendo sticks in his hand, slowly walking towards the ring. Eventually ,he gets close to me, as I do a little wave, but he just laughs and shakes his head at me.

He gets Into the ring and the match starts. Austin begins to jump onto Riddle and beat the living hell out of him. Wasn't going to lie he looked hella hot doing it. He picks Riddle up by the hair and begins to slam him into the turnbuckle. Riddle reverses and throws him across the ring. I'm anxiously watching. Waiting to see who's going to hit next.

They both eventually get out of the ring. Riddle landing onto the steel steps, while Austin gets back to his feet. He looks around for the kendo sticks he brought, as his eyes then slowly look over towards me. I blush in embarrassment and quickly pick up the sticks, handing them to him, shaking. He hesitates for a moment, then quickly grabs them from me. He then turns around and begins to beat the crap out of Riddle.

"BABE, HIT HIM OR SOMETHING!?" Riddle yells to me as I just stand there, ignoring him. He eventually  counters out and grabs the kendo stick from him, poking it in his eye. He then hits Austin against the turnbuckle, then turns towards me. "WHAT THE HELL LIV?! YOUR SUPPOSED TO HELP ME!?" He yells at me as I cross me arms.

"WELL MAYBE I DON'T WANT TOO BITCH!?" I scream as I slap him in the face, immediately regretting it. The whole crowd goes silent, as Riddle chuckles a little bit. He then throws me against the barricade, and begins the punch the living hell out of me. I beg and cry, but he only hits harder to it. I close my eyes to try to ignore the pain, till suddenly there was no pain, for a Moment.

I open my eyes a little to see Austin grab him by the neck lifting him and making him lean against the ring. "DONT YOU DARE TOUCH HER AGAIN, UNDERSTAND ME!?" He yells as Riddle try's to fight back. I wanted to watch and see what was going to happen, but officials quickly took me to medical.

Fast forward to Liv in medical

1....2.....3..RING THE BELL!!!

As I watch the T.V screen, I see Austin's hand get risen up, indicating he won the match. I smiles even though I was in lots of pain from the bruises Riddle gave me. Everything hurts, and it felt like the pain got worse. Tears rolled down my face from the pain, my body aching every time I blinked. Soon after Austin comes running in.

"HOLY SHIT, Liv you ok!?!" Austin ask as he comes towards me and begins to check out my bruise. A groan a little to the feeling of him pushing on them and touching them. He quickly lets go of me. "Oh my god, what did the bastard do to you?" He ask as I just look down and close my eyes to let tears run down my face.

"Ooh, come on, don't cry Liv." He says brushing his hand across me check. He then kisses me, forgetting that we weren't together anymore. I have to admit, I had missed this feeling, I had missed him. Once done he try's to grip on what he had just done. I look up at him, breathing heavily as I try to muster up words.

"I miss you." I finally said. "Alot, and I'm still sorry for what I did."

He does a small smile and picks my up bridal style sitting down on a chair near by, as he plops me down onto his lap. I put my head into his chest, as he rubs my back.

"I...I miss you too Liv. I missed us." He said . "You just kinda, I don't know broke me when he kissed you. It was the same feeling form when my exe did the same thing to me a couple of months ago. I didn't want it to happen to us." He says as he look away, staring at the ground.

"Can we start over then?" I ask as he laughs a little. "I mean, I kinda want that too." Austin adds before kissing me forehead. "I love you" he whispers into me ear. I smile.

"I love you too Austin"

Liv Morgan x Austin Theory short storiesWhere stories live. Discover now