tell me it'll be okay

Start from the beginning

The photoshoot takes hours. Especially as we take pieces off and replace them later, showing off all of the different combinations of Xander's genius.

"Wow, that took more effort than I thought," I admit as I sink onto the resting chair beside Xander, finally in my own clothes once more.

"Modeling isn't easy." Xander nods knowingly.

"That was a lot of fun though," I tell him, bumping into him lightly.

"Thank you, Charlotte," Xander tells me, his voice going soft. "You were amazing."

"You made me feel amazing," I admit to him, just as softly.

Xander's eyes snap to mine then and he seems to take me in. I don't know what he's looking for but just when I'm about to say something, he leans forward and gently presses his lips to mine.

It's not a long kiss, but it's soft and sweet and I would be lying if I said I didn't melt a little.

When he pulls away, his cheeks are fully pink and something tells me that was really hard for him to do. So, I return the favor and before he can second guess himself, press my lips to his, just as softly. This time, I pull away and he's smiling. That perfect Xander smile.

I don't want to ruin the moment so I don't say anything else as I get up and head back to my room. I'm grateful for the quiet as I sink into my bed, ready for a nap. That really was a lot of fun.

April 11th


"Have you seen this trash?" Danil asks the room and I startle. I hadn't noticed a group of the guys had moved in here as I sat and read. This week has been surprisingly relaxed and it's allowed me more time to relax around the guys. Well, some of the guys. I haven't seen much of Levi since our date.

I frown but I soon realize that Danil isn't talking to me. He's talking to Ambrose, Frankie, Linus and Rhett who followed him into the room. Danil moves to stand in front of the large mounted television and flips it on, quickly finding the channel he's looking for.

There, surrounded by studio lights sits five former Selected men and as the sound bites play, I notice the caption scrolling along the bottom of the screen.


I feel my stomach drop as James and Dean's voices come from the television talking about how unforgiving I am and I just know this is bad. We knew this was a possibility but I thought legal had this all sorted out.

When James hints at our date and how I was completely over-dramatic about the whole thing, my book falls from my hands. Five sets of eyes swing around the room and land on me.

"Charlotte—" Ambrose steps towards me, concern flooding his face, but I'm already moving to the door shaking my head.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you there!" Danil calls after me. His voice moves in the room but I'm running now and luckily none of them follow.

"Was no one going to tell me?!" I burst into the room, out of breath. Where before five pairs of eyes were on me, an entire room's attention is now on me.

"Charlotte, calm down," my dad's deep voice says, the only one who dares to say anything at this moment.

"Calm down? They're slandering me out there!" I cry, spinning on him.

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