Season of the Skull

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~Shouko's POV~

It took a while to find him, but we found him. The Super Robot was chasing the Dark One Worm, and we were on its tail. The Monkeys, Chiro and I were sitting in our chairs, in the Command Center.

"The Skeleton King Worm is gaining speed. Its distance is 2.7 astro-units." Gibson informed.

"This is all-or-nothing, Team. Charge up the Torso Cannons." Chiro instructed.

Otto pressed a few buttons and informed, "Charged and ready, Chiro."

"Fire!" Chiro shouted.

The Super Robot fired the Torso Cannons at the worm. Direct hit, but the Dark One Worm wasn't happy.

"Uh... I think all we did was make it angry." Nova noticed.

"Hold our position." Antauri instructed.

The Dark One Worm turned to face us and fired a beam of energy at us. The Super Robot braced itself. Specters and dark colors were all we could see.

The hall shook and the alarm went off.

"What's happening?" Chiro asked.

"The beam is... Transporting us across the cosmos!" Gibson informed with a gasp.

The specters flew past us. Once everything calmed down, we found ourselves no longer in space. The Monkeys, Chiro and I exit the Super Robot to see where we landed, but our surrounded by a thick cloud of fog.

"Where are we? I can't see anything through this fog." Nova asked.

Antauri spoke up, "Wait. I sense many lifeforms approaching."

Through the fog, glowing eyes surrounded us. Otto noticed something and alerted, "Chiro! Look out!"

A black imp charged through the fog and knocked Chiro onto his back. The eyes moved closer to reveal to be more imps of all shapes and sizes. Three more charged toward us.

Sparx summoned his magnets, "Magna-Tingler Blast!"

The other imps moved aside and the big imp protected itself. Sparx's attack had no effect. The imp struck Sparx to the ground.

Nova leaped to attack with her gauntlets, but the imp ate her. She threw punches which forced the imp to spit her out.

"Chiro Spear-o!" Chiro attacked the imp on top of him, knocking it back into the air.

Chiro kicked himself back to his feet and readied to fight back. The imp fired a blast from its tail. Chiro was knocked back to the ground. Antauri leaped to attack the imp. It fired another blast at him, knocking Antauri back to the ground.

The imps approached closer to us.

"Our powers are useless against these fiends." Gibson noticed.

I was about ready to attack back with a Spectral Spiral, until something strange happened. My claws turned white with an azure hue and my body started glowing like before, with the Eye. The imps backed away from me with fear on their faces.

"What?" I gasped, then my claws returned to their new indigo and the glowing stopped.

The imps continued to approach us, recovered from their fear. Then there was a moaning sound coming from the fog.

"More monsters." Otto readied his saws.

What emerged from the fog was a tall man in a black suit, and wearing a green mask.

He yelled, "Back! Vile creatures of the night!"

The imps gasped in fear and fled into the fog.

The man approached us, "You are safe now, strangers." He removed his mask to reveal a friendly elder man, "It is only a mask."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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