The Savage Lands Prt 2

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~Chiro's POV~

"Shouko! Shouko, wake up!" Antauri shook the silver monkey again.

"That's not Shouko." Gibson shouted.

"Get outta here, Antauri!" I told Antauri.

The Guardian Formless turned to the Team and I spat some kind of webbing around us. We couldn't move! The Formless surrounded Antauri and force-separated him from the silver monkey.

"SHOUKO!" Antauri screamed, as green and white energy erupted from him.

I sensed a familiar presence leaving Antauri's body and entering the silver monkey's. The Formless froze in place. A white flame engulfed the silver monkey as it started to change shape. And Antauri returned to his normal self.

It's silver casing turned into snow white fur. Mid-back length black hair grew on its head. And it took the shape of an elven girl. It almost looked like...


Both monkeys fell to the ground.

"Antauri!" Otto cried in worry.

The Formless surrounded Antauri and spat webbing around him too. They created some sort of long bone, attached us to it and carried us out of the lab, through the jungle, leaving the silver monkey.

Antauri stirred awake looked around, "What happened? Where am I?"

"Do you remember anything, Antauri?" I asked him.

Antauri shook his head, "I'm afraid I don't. Everything is a haze. All I remember is travelling through the Zone of Wasted Years, following Shouko's voice. Guiding me. Then nothing."

"Snow's... Gone, Antauri." Nova told him.

Antauri nodded, "I understand that now."

~<.X.> <.X.> <.X.> <.X.> <.X.>~

~Antauri's POV~

The Formless took us to a pyramid temple and started climbing the stairs.

"What is that thing?" Otto asked, as he moved to see it.

"Trouble." Chiro answered.

"This is all Gibson's fault." Sparx spoke up, turning to Gibson, "If you would've let me lead the Team, then we wouldn't be in this mess!"

Gibson glared back, "Oh ho! That's rich! I was the one who insisted we bring the Super Robot! But no!"

Sparx turned to the Formless marching next to us, "Can you do me a favor and eat Gibson first?"

The Formless arrived to the top of the stairs, which lead to a doorway that looked similar to a skull.

Nova gasped as a shadow passed us, "Did you see that?"

The aura from the shadow... It couldn't be!

The shadow passed us again and took out the Formless beside us. Then took out the other Formless with ease. The two carrying us put the bone down and turned. The shadow took out one of them.

"What is going on?" Chiro asked.

I looked up and a smile grew on my face. The shadow revealed to be the Silver Monkey from the laboratory, but there was something different about it. It was awake and alive. The presence... The aura...

Shouko has returned!

The Formless roared and spat webbing at her. Shouko jumped out of the way and phased through it. The Formless melted on the spot. Everyone was surprised. Like they've seen a ghost.

The White Monkey Prt 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें