Chapter 15: Wolves

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When I opened my eyes I was laying on my bed in my and Uma's room and I closed my eyes for comfort. My ears focused and I could hear arguing vaguely. “Y/N? Y/N? Stay with us!”, I heard A-Li scream and I felt her hands on my arm. “Dude, She isn't dead or something... Let her sleep”, Uma's voice said and I felt her rolling her eyes.

I slowly opened my eyes and I saw indeed A-Li and Uma looking at me. “Hey, welcome back”, Uma mumbled and I pulled myself up and stood next to my bed. “What happened?”, I asked them and they looked at each other and then Uma spoke: “You were knocked out after a drink. You became to active and banged your head against the table. How stupid you can be”. I grabbed my pillow and threw it at her face. “Okay... Okay...”, she said and placed the pillow back down. “So... Did I kiss anyone last night?”, I checked and both my friends shook their heads. So I hadn't kiss Carlos or Wyatt and it was all a dream... “You okay?”, A-Li asked and I nodded and smiled. “I gotta go”, Uma said and grabbed her jacket and walked to the door. “Where are ya going?”, I yelled after her. “Somewhere!”, she answered and walked out. “I think she is going to her boyfriend”, A-Li answered. “Gil? Boyfriend?”, I asked and A-Li nodded: “They are hanging together all the time”. I agreed and then A-Li said that she needed to go to A-Spen and A-Lan to plan something and I said goodbye.

When A-Li was gone I started up my phone and then I looked at the date. It was the day where I had to choose between staying myself or becoming a werewolf. I needed to choose tonight... Then I looked at missed messages and I saw that my phone exploded. People were actually worried about me and asked if I was okay. I smiled and started to answer everyone.


At 7 PM I was back from dinner and I started to read a interesting book called ‘Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone’. Then there was some knocking on the door. It couldn't be Uma, because she was with Mal and Evie and had a key for her own. A-Li was at her Mothership with A-Spen and A-Lan. “Y/N, open up!”, Willa yelled as she kept banging on the door. “It's your night!”, Wynter added and I walked to the door and I opened up. “Let's move!”, Wynter said as she took my arm with all her strength and dragged me with her as Willa closed the room.

When we were at the forest, Wynter let me go and we walked to the cave. “Did you need to drag me?”, I asked her, but she simply shrugged and smirked. “No time for chit chat!”, Willa said and we kept walking until we reached the cave.

Then we were inside. Wyatt went over to me and smiled: “You came...”. “Of course... They made me”, I mumbled looking at his sister and friend, who were talking together. “Don't mind them... I got something to show you!”, Wyatt said as he gently took my hand as he walked me up the stairs. He shone a light on a stone and the shadow of a girl appeared. She had long white hair and she howled and danced. Her face was not really visible. “We think that might be you”, Wyatt said and I looked at the stone. Then my eyes widened and everything went blurry. “Y/N? You're okay?”, Wyatt asked and catched me right on time.

“I... I... I think that's my mom. My dad might of hid a picture of her when I was little, so I stole it. I never knew my mom anyways... But I can show you the photo”, I told him and took my phone out of my pocket and started to search for her photo. When I found it, I showed to him and his eyes widened too. The girl on the photo smiled brightly with her perfect white teeth, her Y/E/C* eyes shone brightly with joy and the sun shone on her Y/S/C** skin. My mom also had long white braids just like the girl on the stone. Wyatt went over to the ‘balcony’ and yelled at the people down: “WE HAVE FOUND OUR ALPHA!”.


I'll stop a bit with writing, but I'll be back at Tuesday, Thursday or Friday! Don't forget to vote and comment! 💜

My inner wolf ~ Carlos De Vil × Reader/Wyatt Lykensen × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now