Understanding much more I held out my hand.

"Yeah that's me. Nova." I had no idea what else to say. I have never heard about this Italian guy before. Who is he.

"I'm Pablo." He shook my hand before standing up straight again.

Pablo looked around the table, he started talking to Hunter and it was obvious that they had met before. The conversation between them went so smoothly, in a way you could tell that they knew each other, possibly even friends.

"Pablo. Come take a seat next too Orion." My dad came walking in with a chair, placing it beside Orion.

Pablo smiled down at me and ruffled my hair. I still had no idea who this stranger was. Yet no one seemed to be bothered with him being here.

Again I tried to get Vulcans attention. I softly tapped him on the shoulder. This didn't get his attention at all, he looked down at his phone. He muttered a few curses. This should have been my warning to stop trying to get his attention, but I am a curious one.

"Vulcan." I whispered while continuing to tap his shoulder. He was so focused on his phone. I continued to tap.

Abruptly Vulcan turned of his phone and rather loudly put it down on the table. The action alone scared me a little. But the way he turned around with a stoic expression, it scared me even more.

"Yes your highness, what can I do for you." His voice laced with sarcasm. His stoic expression turing into one with a smirk when he saw my face.

My eyes wide an brows furrowed as it really wasn't what I had expected. He had just joked around five minutes ago.

Hunter saw our interaction and lowly snickered to not get unwanted attention.

Vulcan had turned away from me again, clearly not wanting to answer my question.

Moody much?

I frowned at his behavior. Turning back to my food.

A gentle hand on my back got my attention. Aunt Catherine had also watched my interaction with Vulcan.

She gave me a gentle smile reassuring me. She leaned down to talk to me so no one else could hear.

"Just ignore him. Remember not to take it personally, I think it's been a while since he took his meds. You know how he gets." She chuckled.

No I don't. Clearly, I don't know what she is talking about. I don't know him.

"What meds?" I whispered back. She whipped her head towards me and for some reason Hunter was again listening to my conversation so she shared a quick glance towards him.

Hunter shook his head, as if telling her not to tell me, like I couldn't see him.

Aunt Catherine cleared her throat awkwardly. She sat up. "What did you want to ask him, sweetheart." She asked me. Like nothing had happened.

I looked at her skeptical. What was going on. "Answer my other question first." I demanded.

My aunt shook her head with a sad smile. "It's nothing important, promise. I might have had a tad bit to much grownup soda. Can't listen to everything I say." She said. She talked to me as I was a child. Nothing had changed.

I gave her a curt nod and a small smile, playing along. "I just wondered who Pablo is."

She seemed reviled that I listen to her. I know she would have told me what was going on if it wasn't for Hunter. I'm going to ask later. I can ask anyone of my aunts, they don't stop talking when they've had a little to much to drink.

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