2 - Fable of the Silent Son

Start from the beginning

Turned out, though, there would be no staff to perceive anything.

Except for the security personnel who slightly raised their brow at the blonde-haired young master and his irritable attitude, they met no other house staff, because Lee Yoohan refused to drop off at the main door and instead told the driver to drive straight to the annex.

The mansion originally had no other annex aside from the one used for the house staff. But when the divorced first wife somehow forced her way in and demanded to live in the mansion again, an annex was built in a grand fashion to quell the woman's tantrum. Craftily, once the building was done, the woman took over the mansion and kicked the second wife—Lee Yoohan's mother—to the annex.

Funnily enough, when the second wife got divorced because of the existence of a new mistress, the now third wife and the first wife had a war upon their throne inside the main palace, and Yoohan just took it upon himself to get possession of the annex where his mother used to live.

It was better anyway, rather than living in the huge palace filled with filthy mouths and glaring eyes. The third—now official—wife reigned as queen, but the first wife kept coming back and forth from her luxurious apartment to the mansion.

Who in their right mind would want to live on a battlefield?

The annex itself wasn't that bad. It was connected through a corridor with the mansion's right-wing where the other children lived—the third-generation living quarter, more or less. It had anything he would need; several bedrooms, a study, and library, a sitting room, a whole ass kitchen, and even empty rooms he had no idea what to use for.

Probably would be nice to convert it into a gym, Yoohan thought.

As he had already told the attendant that he'd lived in the annex from then on, the place had been more or less cleaned, and his stuff from the states had already been placed there.

Well, at least they did this much. Yoohan had half expected they would neglect the annex and just leave him to his device. Haa...as expected of Lee Wonseok—his eldest brother sure was deviously immaculate.

Just as he thought this, his attendant whom Yoohan thought would never appear in front of him again walked toward him from inside the main house. The man took his time though, as if showing Yoohan how much he looked down upon the trash third son.

Rolling his eyes, Yoohan just walked straight into the annex, startling the two house staff that was in the middle of giving the sitting room a finishing touch. He glanced briefly at the face of the two female staff and almost burst out laughing.

Going so far as to plant your people here, huh?

"Get me some drink," Yoohan ordered shortly, throwing himself into the couch and laying down there. "Remote."

The two staff, still dazed from Yoohan's sudden appearance, gave no reaction for a while. They only moved after Yoohan clicked his tongue, and one of them hastily put the tv controller in his hand while bowing.

"Um...what would you like to drink, Young Mas—"

"Do I have to even tell you that?" Yoohan scowled in dissatisfaction. "Fuck, what do they even teach new hires these days?" he kicked the coffee table to the staff's surprise, just in time as the attendant entered the sitting room. "What the fuck have you been doing for a week, Chansoo?"

The attendant sighed and called the staff that was getting flustered and panicking. "There's a manual inside the kitchen drawer, read page six," he whispered to the staff before walking towards the lounging young master.

"Why don't you visit the main house first, Young Master?" Kim Chansoo asked, without a shred of respect in the way he said young master.

Yoohan just sneered without even looking at the man. "Why? It's not like there's anyone there to welcome me," his eyes were fixed on the screen that showed some historical movie.

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