Leaving work a bit early, Takemichi ran to the address that the notification claimed his salon appointment was to be at, coming to an abrupt stop completely out of breath just outside the supposed building his appointment was. As he came up to the store's window to look through, noting a single worker sweeping and cleaning up the store, he froze when he noted who the person was.

"Akkun..." Takemichi whispered to himself in shock as tears filled his eyes staring at his old friend. "Akkun!!" He almost wailed loudly, tapping the glass and catching the other man's attention as he looked up confused.



"The heck..." Akkun confusedly deadpan, watching his crying friend embarrassed, "What's your problem Takemichi? Why are you yelling like that?" Akkun questioned as he walked over to let the man in, "Seriously you are so embarrassing sometimes. Come in, already." He said as Takemichi quickly brushed his tears away as he quietly entered the shop. "You're here early, aren't you still supposed to be at work?"

"Uh, yeah, I left early," Takemichi admitted as he took a seat on one of the salon's waiting area couches.

Akkun laughed at this, "Haha! You're so gonna get fired." He said before muttering under his breath, "Mei-nee is so gonna kill ya when they do..."

"What was that?" Takemichi asked not having heard the other man's muttering.

"I said you should really get your priorities straight." Akkun laughed as Takemichi could only rub the back of his neck and laugh in agreement.

"Uh... Yeah, you got me there." He admitted, before smiling as he watched his friend work from behind. "So... Akkun, you really did become a hairstylist?"

"Huh?" Akkun moved to clear up one of the last used stations, "Come on man, where's your head at? I told you I'm still in training! I'm still just an assistant."

"O-oh!" Takemichi nodded, realizing his mistake, "R-right."

"But~" Akkun drawled as he began to wipe down the station's mirror, "The reason I called you here tonight is because they're finally gonna let me start cutting people's hair next month, and I wanted you to be my hair model." Akkun explained as he finished his cleaning, "My first customer. You know, like we promised?" He grinned as Takemichi's eyes widened and tears slowly built up in his eyes remembering the promise he made with the Akkun of the past.

"But hey Akkun... Let me be your first customer." Takemichi requested as Akkun could only stare at him in shock.

"Uh... Okay."

"Awesome. I'm gonna hold you to that. So you better not forget!" Takemichi grinned before waving goodbye as he turned to run off.

"What the hell man, you didn't forget about all that did you?" The other man teasingly laughed, smiling as Takemichi had to wipe his tears away once again.

"No, you dumbass! Of course, I didn't forget!"

"Wait, are you crying?" Akkun awkwardly asked as Takemichi only seemed to cry harder.

"Idiot! Of course, I'm not crying." The crying man vehemently denied as Akkun walked away smiling.

"Man, some things never change huh, you're still such a crybaby, Takemichi."

His heart soared and the tension in his shoulders dropped. 'This proves it.' Takemichi thought grinning and crying to himself, 'I think I finally believe it! I actually changed the present! It worked! It really worked!!'



Looking up from his moping, Akkun frowned, "Oi Takemichi, your phone's ringing." He loudly called to the distracted man snapping the crying Takemichi out of his euphoric state.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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