"What do you want me to do Jilly?" Jon asked.

"Nothing." Jill countered laying back down. "The king must never get his hands dirty. I will handle it."

"Jilly." Jon begged.

"You know you all do that." Jill murmured.

"What?" JOn mused.

"Say Jilly, in that way you do when you want me to shut up. Be good. or want me to calm the fuck down."

"It doesnt work." Jon remarked.

"No." She agreed. "Yet you all do it..."

"You wanted some normalcy, there it is Jilly.'' Jon remarked. "Sing me a song." Jon whispered as he blew out the candle. "Make me forget we are here." He requested.

"La di da, la di da, if i could sing La. Di. Da all day I would." Jill sung out lifting her arms up towards the ceiling as her head tipped back into the pillow laughing.

Tyrion moved back to his chambers, knowing she was here, this close and yet so far away. Her mind slowly spiraling, he wanted to be there for her, yet he knew that her and Jon would take care of each other. But he wanted to be that person for her. He didnt know that he ever would. It seemed like forever had passed yet seeing her again, it was like just yesterday she was kissing him on the beaches of the capital.


'I came to brood over the Greyjoy attack but you're making it difficult... although you are better brooding than I am... you make me feel like I am failing brooding over failing to save my people' Tyrion told Jon, he was looking for Jill but he was never able to find her when he wanted her.

'I'm a prisoner in this island' he said in monotone. Not looking at Tyrion but staring at the beaches before him. Jill down below making little sand castles before her. They looked like little piles but Jon knew that artist was not one of Jill's skills.

'You are not a prisoner you're free to move the castle to the beaches.' Tyrion told him, knowing that didn't sound too good, but he wasn't in a cage. Tyrion knew being in a cage all too well.

'You took my ship' jon spat. 'I'm not playing word games with you the dead are coming for us all!' jon declared.

'You figure out what to do with my missing fleet and I will figure out what to do with your walking dead man?' Tyrion offered.

'If someone told me about the white walkers in the night King... you wouldn't believe me.' jon said defeated.

'I do believe you' Tyrion said. "Because I know Jill and she believes you."

"You believe Jill." Jon countered. Tyrion shrugged.

'It was nonsense but then Mormont saw them and you saw them and I trust the eyes of a honest man or woman over whatever everyone else claims.' Tyron told him

'How do I convince people that don't know me, that don't believe in me that this is going to kill them all?' jon questioned

'Good question'

'I know it's a good question I'm asking for a good answer' jon informed him.

'peoples minds do not want to answer the questions that large.' Tyrion informed him. 'white walker night King... it's almost familiar to face a monster like my sister.'

'I can't help my people from here Tyrion. I would like to leave' jon requested.

'It seems unlikely that you became king of the north giving up that easy... I know Jill is not a quitter." Tyrion added. "She was quite the fighter, seems she is ready to take Danaerys head..." Jon's gaze shifted to Jill and then Tyrion saw her too.

'Everyone told me to learn from my father's mistakes don't answer summons from mad King's daughter and here I am the northern fool.' Jon remarked "Jill supported me. Jill always does, but we were stupid this time."

'Children are not their fathers lucky for us and sometimes there's more to the northern fools than meets the eye... Danaerys could have fled but she stayed she save the people. you might wanna ask some of the people what they think of the mad king's daughter... she protects people same as you. she's not about to go north and fight an enemy she has not seen after a single meeting, it is not a reasonable thing to ask. So do you have anything reasonable to ask?'

'What do you mean?'

'I'm asking if there's anything I can do to help you.'

"Why are you really asking?" Jon countered.

"Because I like you and your sister." Tyrion offered.

"Oh Gods, did you fuck Jill?"

Snow on the Beach // Tyrion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now