17. Kings and Queens

Start from the beginning

Jon looked around the dark throne room,  he couldn't pledge his loyalty to her. blind loyalty to a mad kings daughter. He looked to Jill, she was clearly annoyed and was one wrong step away from walking out or bashing heads in.

'you're right you're not guilty of your father's crimes and I am not beholden to my ancestors Vows.' Jon told her.

''Then why are you here?' Dany hissed.

'Because I need your help and you need mine' Jon told her. dany scoffed out a laugh.

"There is that i'm better than you attitude." Jill repeated. "It's like she doesn't even know what's coming."

'Did you see three dragons flying overhead when you arrived? did you see the Dothraki all of them are loyal to me.' Dany spat.

'They're hard to miss'  jon admitted having nearly shit himself when the dragons flew over his head earlier.

"Beautiful. The dragons, not the dothraki savages." Jill clarified and one of the soldiers stepped forward. "You wanna go?" Jill challenged but Jon held her back. Tyrion knew Jill was a cannon but she had gotten even more brazen. It was a horrifying and sexy trait. He didnt want her to lose her head. Not after all this time, not when she was finally here close enough to touch.

'But still I need your help?' danny couldn't believe these bastards.

'What about cersei? you haven't stormed Kings Landing my thought is that you don't want to kill thousands of innocent people it's the fastest way to take Kings Landing but that shows you care it shows you are better than cersei.' Jon told her.

"That doesnt take much though." Jill added. "Right Tyrion?" SHe added her harsh glare turned playful as she looked to him. That smug smile had Tyrion speechless again. But he cleared his throat taking a step forward.

'She doesn't wish to be queen of the ashes.' Tyrion told them.

'It shows you are better than cersei' jon repeated.

'Still does not prove why I need your help' she spat

'It shows that me and you and cersei, we are children playing a game screaming at the rules aren't fair.' Jon told her.

"It's not fair. Life is unfair." Jill agreed. "What the fuck are we going to do about it?"

'You told me that you liked these people?' dany questioned Tyrion.

'I did' Tyrion assured. "I do." he corrected willing Jill to be quiet, save her head.

'In the time that I've met these two, they have refused to bend the knee and now he's calling me a child!' danny cried out very much like a child about to throw a tantrum.

"Says the once acting like a child." Jill whispered leaning into Jon.

'I believe he's calling all of us children figure of speech' Tyrion said trying to diffuse the situation as his eyes drifted to Jill, still so fearless.

'Everyone you know will die if we do not defeat the enemy to the north' Jon told her.

'As far as I can see you two are the enemy to the north' Danny spat

'I am not the enemy' Jon corrected.

"Make an enemy out of me, I dare you." Jill countered and Jon pulled her back.

'the dead are the enemy' Jon corrected.

'The dead? Is that another figure of speech' danny questioned

'The army of the dead' he informed her. 'The army of the dead is on the march' jon told them... 'Do you think I'm a liar?'

Danny watched him carefully. He stood tall and strong and confident. They both did. SHe didnt like that they were not afraid of her.

'The white walkers are real the night King is real' Jon told them 'I have seen them if they get past the wall and while we are squabbling among us ourselves' he took a step forward and the dothraki took a step forward to protect their queen. He stopped swallowing the lump in his throat.

'I was born At dragon stone not that I remember it but we fled before Roberts assassins could find us Robert was your father's best friend. I wonder if your father knew his best friend sent assassins to murder a baby girl in her crib? not that it matters now of course I spent my life in a foreign lands so many men have tried to kill me I can't remember all their names.' Danny told him  'I have been sold like a broodmare I've been chained in betrayed raped and defiled do you know what kept me standing through all those years in exile? Faith. not in any gods, not in myths and legends but in myself in Daenerys Targaryen,' she got closer to jon, each step tension filled the room. JIll took a step closer, she wasnt about to lose her brother. 'The world hadn't seen a dragon in centuries in till my children were born the Dothraki haven't cross the sea any sea but they did for me. I was born to rule the seven kingdoms and I will.' she told him

'you will be ruling over a graveyard if we do not defeat the night King!' Jon told her.

"We are not the enemy, everyone else is." Jill offered.

'The War against my sister has already begun we cannot join forces now no matter what you saw' Tyrion informed them.

"I get that is sounds like a bunch of fairy tales." Jill agreed. "But my brother is not a liar."

'Thank you JIll...: Jon said softly.

"I understand it sounds like nonsense but if fate has made Daenerys queen and the same faith in me, Jon King of the North..." Davvos remarked. "Jon was made Lord Commander of the night watch he was named king of the north not because of his name. he's a bastard but because they trusted him because they believed in him all those things you don't believe in....' Ser davvos told her. 'he fought those things for the good of the people, he gave his life for his people, he took a knife in the heart for his people-' Jon looked at him stopping in.

'if we don't put aside our differences and work together we will die and it does not matter who Skelton sits on the iron throne.' Jon told her.

'If it doesn't matter than you might as well bend the knee to Queen Daenerys.' Tyrion questioned him. He looked to Jill trying to get her to understand. To bend now for the greater good but her focus was on the dothraki moving closer.

'There's no time for that' Jon said 'there's no time for this while we spend time debating-'

'There's no need to debate no need to waste time to bend the knee' tyrion told him. Jill scoffed.

"I thought you were smarter than that Tyrion." Jill tsked.

'And why would I do that. I mean no offense your grace,-" jon began

"I mean offense when I say-" jill started but jon gave her hand a tug silencing her.

"-but your claims rest on your father's name and my father fought to overthrow your mad King the people in the north put their faith in me to lead them and I will continue to do so as well as I can.' Jon informed her

'That's fair it's also fair to point out that I am the rightful queen of the seven kingdoms by declaring yourself king of the north you are an open rebellion.' Danny warned him "And queen in the north-"

"Honorary." Jill corrected as the dothraki soldiers approached, making Danny turn back, letting out a deep sigh she turned back to jon, Jill and davvos.

'You must forgive my manners you must be tired after your journey.' Danny's tone changed. 'baths will be drawn and supper will be given' she spoke to the dothraki man again before turning away back to her throne.

'Am I your prisoner?' Jon asked

'Not yet.' Danny told him.

"Not... yet..." Jill repeated turning her stare to Tyrion. They were escorted to rooms not so gently.

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