[7] After shocks

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   i've never been more irritated in my entire fucking life, and you know what i do when i'm irritated? i do one of two things. i go on a killing spree and wipe out half the people who are enemies of any mafias , or i go to the club. considering what i just got in trouble for i can't really go do the first option. so the club will have to do. for now at least. i decide i wanna go not to apollos club, no no, i decided to go to his rival club. just to have the tensions grow a little higher.

since i'm going to a club i obviously don't wanna go alone. so i invite my best friend Theo. now Theo needs to go to a club more than me. the boy is definitely not ugly but he just refuses to date anybody. These damn commitment issues. but i can't say anything cause i have the same issues. we're best friends for a reason.

" Theo"

" Dom "

" go to the avenue at in 30 minutes " it'll be 10pm. Pretty good time to go.

" whyyyughhh"

" cause i don't wanna be here. and you know the two options."

" ugh. fine. but i'm only going cause i need a drink."

" good enough."

" see ya."

  we'll see if we can get anything tonight. whether that be drunk, high, fucked. i hope Theo gets something.
He hasn't gotten anything in about two months. thats depressing. he says it's fine but i doubt it, i wouldn't be if i didn't get fucked for two months .

  I start getting ready. if i wanna get fucked i gotta at least look like it. i go to my closet and pick a white dress shirt and leave the first two buttons undone , then i put on some black slacks and i slip on some 1s and call it a day. my hairs all over the place but that makes it even better. i slip on some rings and that's when Theo texts me that he's on the way to the club.

  time to go. I slip out the back door and into my car. I speed over just to spite him and make it there before him. I see him pulling in right when i'm parking. ha. i won.

" yoo dom "

" Theooo. today the goal is for you to get something. i don't care if it's getting drunk or getting fucked. just do something"

" i could say the same for you dom. just make sure to be safe. don't want any other scares if you remember that."

  ahh yes. the time Theo almost got baby trapped by this random girl we'd never seen in our entire lives. don't know where she came from, don't know where she went. we walk into the club and immediately everything changes. the bright flashes lights , sweaty people dancing everywhere, the people crowed around the bar.

   I look around the bar and see one girl that stands out to me particularly. She's around 5'4 - 5'5 and has curled brown hair running down her back. she has on a light green dress that goes to about mid thigh and that has an open back, and taking shots with three other girls around her. i see her walk out to the dance floor and decide to sit and watch for a bit. whattt? i'm just enjoying the show. then she walks to the bar and they all get shots.

might as well become a part of the show. i walk up to the bartender and tell him to order them another round of shots and to put it on my tab. as soon as they get them her and her friends start inspecting me. i can hear them talking about me too.

" Theia that's the fine guy who's been eyeing you all night."

" make a move"

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