[3] whos dat

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Dominic POV

Listen. I hate kids. loathe.

  I hate their tiny little hands , and their icky little disgusting habits. I hate their loud squeaky voices.

I cannot stand the fact that one is going to live with me. I couldn't give a fuck if she's my sister. She the reason this family fell apart. She doesn't deserve our love because she got our mothers love when we didn't.

I don't understand. I will never understand.

  I didn't deserve it. I was seventeen. I didn't want to admit it but I needed my mom , but I never got her.

Never got her cheering me on at my varsity games. Never got her helping me through my first breakup. Never having her try to convince me to go to prom with some girl I would forget after we graduated. She just left . With her.

She got so much love. But I didn't. It might be a selfish thing to say. But she did a selfish thing .

I don't know how Adonis is accepting her so easy? She doesn't deserve it. I don't care that's she's three. We're supposed to not have any weaknesses. So why is he bringing in a weakness?

They're most likely going to fall head over heels with her as soon as she walks through the door.

I know Adonis is. He's putting himself and the entire mafia at risk with his stupid conscience.

But it's okay right? Cause " she's our sister " .

We don't even know anything about our mom anymore. She could've cheated on our dad and said the thing was his.

You know what. I'm gonna prove that we shouldn't have taken it in .  It's either gonna be reckless, annoying, or bratty.


I know i'm right. I just have to prove it.

time- 4:27 am
Aurora POV

Hm. I'm so bored.

Donis is asleep.


What was dat. Oh my gosh. What if it's a monster coming to eat my toes. I have to go see and tell donis.

Luca POV

" Oh look who finally got home. "

" What the hell man . Where you standing there waiting for me? "

" yes he was "

we all stood in the kitchen staring at each other in an awkward silence.

" What we're you doing out so late "

" Well first I went to the club then this super hot chick came over and starting rubbing on my- "

" Cut the details . You need to start coming home earlier. It's Four in the morning Luca."

" Oh damn it is? I was really trying to make it home my 6 ."

Then the door opens .

" Oh hey Apollo. Thanks for joining the reunion."

" Who got your thong in a twist Dominic."

" You."

" I was expecting this to be done earlier. But since we're all here might as well get it over with. "

" Now that we have a younger kid in the house , I expect you to be home early, or make as little noise as possible. I also expect you to keep cursing to a minimum. I know i'm not usually strict like this but this is quite a change for us but she's a Romano. We stick together. It's not different for her."

Damn. Okay.

Wait. What's that . It's like a little tiny thing on top of the stairs , Peeking from a corner . Then I hear it gasp.

" I hate to interrupt but does no one see that little gremlin on the stairs? "

I think it heard me cause it attempted to run away. But it slipped and fell down the stairs just as everyone else caught a glimpse of it .

" Ouchy." She says as she stands up and turns back up the stairs

"Uhm whos that ."

" Oh my god is that her"

" Oh lookie. The kid "

As soon as Adonis sees her on the floor he strides over to her.

" Are you alright "

" Yep. Now, who dat ? "
huh. She's really cute. She looks like mom. She has moms light brown wavy-curly-ish hair and green eyes. Her hairs messy and her eyes are doe eyes. Even though it's 4 am , she looks wide awake.

" You remember that I told you about other brothers ?

" Wow. Dats so cool "

I look over at Apollo and see him staring at her like a deer in headlights and Dominic? He was mad. Like jaw clenching , looks like he's about to throw something into a wall mad.

" Um. Hewwo. I'm rora ."

" Hi. I'm Luca. Your youngest oldest brother . "

" Um uh i- i'm Apollo. "

" Dominic? Are you going to introduce yourself? Or are you gonna continue sulking in a corner."

" I'll pass " then he just walked away. Hm. wonder what got his panties in a twist.

" Well Aurora, just so you know that's Dominic."

" Otay "

" So Aurora , who's that ?"

" Dis? Dis is fwanke."

" Woah. He's so cool ."

" I know wight! "

" How old are you Aurora? "

" Me? I'm twee "
(three )

" woah. You're a big girl !"

" I know ! Momma told me dat ."

" Okay missy it's way to late for you to be up right now. You can talk to them tomorrow."

" But I just knew dem ."
(a/ni wrote it grammatically incorrect on purpose 🤭)

" You can talk to them more tomorrow"

" ugh. otay . Bye bye wuca and pollo "

" bye aurora "

a/n this one's kinda short but i rlly need to do more chapters-

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