[Chapter Nineteen] Thursday The 12th

Start from the beginning

Gwen: "Horror movies aren't mindless."

(Y/N): "But you certainly are!" [You say with a sly smerk on your face as Heather just glares at you.]

Heather: "What-ever! Does anyone have any idea as to what our challenge will be this week?"

Geoff: "Yeah! Where's the Chris-mister?" 

[He throws a piece of popcorn into his mouth as you all hear a boat starting, you look over and see Chef  throwing their luggage onto the boat of losers.]

Duncan: "Hey Chef!"

[Chef yells in surprise as he turns to look at him, fear on his face.]

Duncan: "Where's the fire?"

[Chef hops onto the boat as he and Chris ride away, fear visible on both their faces as everyone looks on.]

Geoff: "Dude!" [He reaches down and picks up a bag they left behind.] "They forgot this!"

[A rolled up newspaper falls out of the bag as Geoff picks it up.]

Geoff: "Escaped psycho killer on the loose." [The camera looks over his shoulder to reveal a picture of a man in all black with the only two visible things being a hockey mask and chainsaw.]  "Be on the lookout for a man wearing a hockey mask with a hooked hand and carrying a chainsaw!" [He looks up from the paper, visibly frightened.]

Izzy: "Haha! He's on the loose!" 

Heather: "Oh come on! They don't expect us to fall for this! Scary movie followed by hasty exit followed by strategically placed lame prop!?"

DJ: "I don't know.. he looked pretty spooked!"

Heather: "Pah-lease,  it's all part of their little stunt to freak us out!"

[Geoff searches through the bag and pulls out a bottle with Chris's face on it.]

Geoff: "If this was a stunt would Chris leave behind... his hair gel!?"

[Everyone gasps in shock at the revelation as you grip Gwen's hand a tiny bit tighter.]

Gwen: "Woah! This is for real!"

DJ: "Let me get this straight! Chris left us for dead and now we're alone while that escaped psycho killer with the chainsaw is on the loose!?" 

Duncan: "Nooo, we're alone while that escaped psycho killer with a chainsaw and a hook is on the loose![He pulls out the hook, causing DJ to cower on the ground again holding his head as he yells in fear.]

DJ: "I told you dude, not funny!"

Leshawna: "Ah neath is your chicken little routine! Get a grip bro!" 

DJ: "I-I can't help it.. I feel like we're being watched!"

Heather: "Duh! It's a reality show, we're always being watched!"

[The camera pans out to reveal a set of monitors and Chris sitting in a seat in a tent looking up at them as he laughs.]

Chris: "Heather's right, and tonight! We're watching to see who can survive a real life scary movie! With special guest appearance by- the escaped psycho killer with the chainsaw and a hook!" [He says in a menacing tone while holding up the hook.]

*Scene Change*

Gwen: "Okay look, it doesn't matter whether this is real or a challenge we need a game plan!"

(Y/N): "That's my girl!" [You smile as you hold Gwen close and peck her on the cheek as she blushes and smiles.]

 DJ: "Yeah yeah, we need a game plan! 

TDI Gwen X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now