"Your falling in love my son. This is a momentous occasion. Your finally letting Freyja in." Mother said smiling.

"I guess I am.....just hope I don't make a mistake in doing so." I said as she finished up fixing the fur on my attire.

"Just be yourself and all will be right. Freyja and Odin are on your side this night." Mother said as I smiled and nodded.

Just then Aunt Yri walked into my room in her armor.

"It is time young prince." She said as I nodded as did mother.

"I must be at your fathers side my son. But know we are all with you." She said as I nodded.

She then stood up and left leaving me with aunt Yri.

"You look like a fine young man. Stronger than the day we met and reunited. You've proven your worth and your honor. Now comes the tike to reap the rewards." She said as I nodded.

Just then Petra walked in wearing her usual attire but she had a much more elegant look to it. The furs and coat were a bit some feminine and made her features more prominent.

"Petra. What a surprise." Aunt Yri asked.

"Well it is customary that I walk with him as his date to the Feast." She said as Aunt Yri smiled and nodded.

With that a horn sounded as Yri nodded and I stood up and breathed and looked at Petra.

"Ready my lady?" I asked her.

"Indeed." She said as she linked arms with me.

With that Yri walked outside first.

"I present to you....your Prince of Ravens. Your future Jarl. Your legacy of the Ravensthrope.... Jäunë "Blood Drinker" Eivorsson." She said as everyone cheered as I walked to the arch way with Petra.

Just then women in full armor with spears appeared and started to chant in the language of the Gods.....these were the Valkyries of Ravensthrope. The royal guard of the Eivorsson Family....and Aunt Yri is their Freyja.

Just then she walked up and led us to an area near the docks where I saw Father and Mother with Valka. Just then the Valkyries circled and waited.

"People of Ravensthrope. This day 17 winters ago tragedy struck us when our prince was taken from us. But now....he is home. The Valkyires delivered him to us. The Prince of Ravens....Jäunë "Blood-Drinker" Eivorsson, first of his name is home!" Eivor shouted as everyone cheered and clapped my shoulders and back.

"Now he will take up his mantle as Prince and one day lead our people in both battle and in growth. A mantle he has been denied for many winters. The mantle of a Viking, of a Shield Brother, of a Warrior....." Father said looking at me with Pride.

"Of a King!" He shouted as we all cheered even me.

With that I walked up as Valka walked up and tan her fingers over the blackened ash of burning wood. She then had me kneel as she drew the symbol of chieftain to be on my brow.

 She then had me kneel as she drew the symbol of chieftain to be on my brow

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2023 ⏰

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