First Raid and First Kill

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Jäunë P.O.V

It's been 3 months since I was reunited with my family. Since I received the blessings of our seer. In those 3 months I was trained by my aunt in the ways of combat. I learned that I was much like my her and despite having the shield, I use two weapons. My axe and my sword. From father I learned how to track and hunt game. From mother I learned how to read a map and tell landmarks for travel when on foot.

I also bulked up more and was given my war armor but until my family said otherwise I didn't go on raids. They wanted to ensure that I was ready and able bodied. I didn't mind it as when they came back they showed me the treasures of their travels.

I learned much from our seer Valka about the Gods above and how they help us indirectly. From Gunnar I learned how to work metal and iron into our armor and weapons. How to make wood into the shafts for our axes, spear's and arrows.

Everyone helped me and in turn I learned much about my people and our ways. How we tell the seasons and the days. When we know it's time to raid or time to hunt or harvest. How we live and survive. Little did I know what was going to happen when I woke up.....

I was working with Gunnar in the Armory when I saw my father walk in.

"Ah Eivor, what can I for you?" Gunnar asked as I walked up.

"I would like to see my son." He said as I looked to Gunnar who told me it was okay.

That lead to where I am now. Walking with father towards the long house.

"You've been doing well in your training and your hunting son. For that we are impressed. You've advanced farther than many thought....which is why your mother, aunt Yri and I have made a decision....." Father said as we stopped at the doors of the Long House.

"And that is?" I asked.

"You bring you with us." Mother said walking up.

"What?" I asked.

"Son....your ready to go on your first Raid. You've earned it. So prepare as we leave when the sun is high. Make any peace you must and be ready." Aunt Yri said.

I nodded and left to see Valka who was waiting outside her hut.

"Your parent's have deemed you worthy I see?" She asked.

"Yes." I said.

She then ushered me in.

"A raid is more than a attack. It's a right of passage. Every young Vikingr must raid to show they can contribute to the Clan and the settlement. Be it in fighting, hunting or finding new land. All have a purpose in the Clan. You are being given your chance to prove your worth to the Clan." She said as she sat down across from me.

"Yes Valka. I know and I am ready to prove my worth." I said.

She then took three bowls of paint and put it in front of her and me.

"These colors will be the colors of your marks and what define you on the battlefield." She said as she dipped three fingers into one and it had black paint on it.

"Black represents the death of your foes. It marks you as one who will bring down all who stand before you and marks you in the color of Odin," she said as she moved her hand over my eyes and the sides of my face with black paint leaving a wide area in painted for my mouth and nose. She also left my ears alone.

"White represents new Days. Just like the clouds after a storm fade away into the light or the first snow of Winter, this colors marks you as a reborn man," Valka said as she dipped her two fingers in a second bowl with white paint and went down one inner side of my eyes.

Northern Born (RWBY Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora