"Have they still not repaired the window on the lounge door?" Galilee asks.

Even though he would never admit it, Marcellus feels relief. He didn't want anyone to know what the meeting was about, and it seems Galilee is here to the rescue.

"They'll get to it during the break," Darlington says. "They are probably still sorting out community billing."

"No more talking shop," Maverick throws one arm over Galilee's shoulder and pulls her closer, throwing another around Darlington. "The whole point of this is to not think."

"You're good at not thinking, aren't you Mav?" Marcellus says.

Maverick laughs.

Soon after, while Darlington is tinkering with the speaker, convinced he can connect it to the Wi-Fi if he just has another second, and while Maverick is using Galilee's camera to take a picture of Moonie, Elodie and Tempest arrive. Thanks to Galilee's handiwork, they don't need to use their keys.

Tempest stands with her hands folded in front of her, trying her best to take in the room. She feels bad for noticing, but a few of the streamers have been hung so haphazardly that they look as though they will fall off.

"Yo, Ellie, how'd the exam go?" Maverick asks, his head snapping away from the camera and towards Elodie.

"Same old, same old," Elodie doesn't usually like nicknames, but she doesn't mind them from Maverick.

With Elodie's arrival, Darlington commits to getting the speaker working. He smashes the bottom of it, gently, once, and then the music starts to come out.

The door swings open, and Callie walks in. From even this far across the room, Galilee can see the paint stains on her fingertips. In the low lighting, her fingers almost look black, like frostbite. Galilee is used to picking out things to photograph. There is something about Callie that stands out, besides the paint. The other women are wearing cute tight tops, and Galilee knows that there is nothing wrong with that, but Callie is wearing a satin turquoise top and a long pleated white skirt.

"Okay, but it is criminal not to dance to this," Maverick says, shoving the polaroid camera into Galilee's hands. He grabs Moonie and drags her over toward Elodie and Tempest. With one hand holding Moonie's and the other holding Elodie's he forces them to dance with him.

Tempest tries to sneak away over to Darlington on the sidelines, but Elodie taps her with the water bottle in her hand.

"If I'm dancing, so are you," Elodie winks.

Tempest forces herself to sway with the music. She raises her eyebrows at Darlington and then turns her head to force him to join. He steps closer, but not too close, and tries to sway. It makes Tempest smile, if even for a second.

Since Darlington has joined, Marcellus also goes in. He would feel strange dancing with all the girls and Maverick since Maverick is often invited to attend girls' night as an honourary member. It is strange because, under normal circumstances, Marcellus wouldn't give a single fuck about standing out. Today though, he is trying his best to fit in.

Galilee snaps a picture of the group and then sneaks around them to get to Callie, who is bobbing her head to the music.

"Can I get a picture?" Galilee asks.

Callie blinks but then smiles, "sure. Get in."

Galilee, with pink cheeks, moves next to Callie. She holds out the polaroid camera, Callie's arms wrapped around Galilee's neck. Galilee can feel her heart racing.

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