Chapter 6: Hemera and Nyx Don't Get Along With Artemis

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Third POV

The demigods made their way to the meeting room. The walk there was quiet and awkward. Thalia was reassuring Percy that they were going to explain things to Reyna later and that they needed to focus on talking with Artemis to see what she wanted. 

Once they reached the room they noticed that every primordial was in there. Hemera and Nyx were glaring daggers at Artemis. The goddess was clearly uncomfortable by the glaring but tried to ignore them.

"Lady Artemis, what a pleasure seeing you again," Percy said with clear sarcasm in his voice. He felt bad for treating the goddess like that but he wanted to make sure she understood that they weren't on friendly terms.

"Perseus, Thalia, nice to see you two doing well," Artemis greeted after holding back her comment about his tone. She knew that she wasn't in any place to be a bitch towards them and didn't want to infuriate 6 primordials. 

"What is she doing here?" Percy turned to Nyx.

"She is here because she wants to help us with our mission," The embodiment of night answered before sending another glare at Artemis. 

"I don't trust her," That was all Percy said before heading out of the room. He was barely able to contain his rage. He might not like treating the goddess with such rudeness but he couldn't deny the feelings of rage and hatred towards her. 

Artemis was shocked that Percy didn't even let her state her case. She thought that Percy was going to be the most level-headed out of everyone and would let her explain her reasons. But watching how the demigod of Poseidon just walked out on her made her realize that he didn't even want to deal with her at all. 

Thalia was a bit preoccupied with Percy's feelings and what he would do if he set them free. Reyna was in a similar dilemma as Thalia because she had seen what Percy could do if he let go of his emotions and let himself lose. Nyx and Hemera were still glaring daggers at Artemis. Erebus and Aether were indifferent since they didn't want to get involved. Pontus headed out of the room to find Percy while Tartarus just sat there without making a move or sound.

"I need to talk with him alone," Artemis said after a brief silence. 

"You don't get it, do you?" Hemera said with clear disappointment in her voice. Artemis gave her a confused look and shook her head. Hemera sighed and disappeared in a blinding flash of light. She was followed by all of the primordials, leaving behind Reyna and Thalia. 

"I am leaving, I need to find Percy before he does something he regrets or hurts himself," Thalia said before standing up and leaving the room. Artemis looked helplessly at Reyna, the remaining person in the room with her.

"What is it? I am trying to fix things but he doesn't even listen to me," Artemis almost pleaded to Reyna with a bit of frustration in her voice. Reyna didn't feel like helping her, but if Percy gave Thalia and her a second chance, maybe Artemis deserve another one. 

"You are a reminder of the betrayals you all caused. He has held back his powers the entire time he has fought for your cause. Percy might not show it but he is pretty darn smart, it was just that he let Annabeth do it because he didn't want to be seen as more of a threat. He was barely capable of holding back and piercing riptide through your chest, be glad he didn't do it because no one would've stopped him," Reyna said. She stood up from her seat and headed to the door, just when she was about to leave the room he turned around and looked at Artemis.

"For what it's worth, he is acknowledging the fact that you are trying to mend things and even leaving aside your pride. But be sure that it won't be easy to get along with him like Thalia and I are with him, especially Thalia," Reyna turned around and was about to close the door when Artemis stopped her.

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