Chapter 5: Mexico isn't Orange as the Movies Make it Seen

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Third POV

The primordials and demigods shadow-traveled back to Tartarus to have a debrief of what they encountered. None of them were pleased to meet the entire Olympian council. Percy was the only one who was happy to see his father and the gods that supported him against being a traitor. 

"That was one funny and interesting meet with the gods," Aether said with a smile on his face. He was still thinking about the gods' faces when they told them they were primordials. They have never involved themselves with the Olympians because they wanted to see how they would be ruled without them. They had also not wanted to intervene because they had done terrible things in the past and didn't want to bring civilization with those acts in their conscience. 

"It was, but it does give us new problems," Nyx said as they all sat in their seats around the table.

"Yeah, they are gonna try to figure out what threat we are trying to eliminate. We need to do this as quickly and discreetly as possible to not let them find out about the threat," Pontus agreed and all nodded their heads.

"We need to figure out where the next group of them are before they reach mortals and start causing panic," Hemera said and every primordial got to work in their domains to find them

Percy, Thalia, and Reyna decided to give them their space to work and headed out to their rooms. They needed to rest for the time being after eliminating a group of 30 aliens. It was also Reyna's and Thalia's first time going up against them and they were running on fumes.

"Take some rest, you deserve it after being your first time going against them," Percy said with a proud smile.

Both demi-goddesses returned it and headed out to their rooms without any argument about him also resting, but they knew better than to argue with him about his well-being. They both were happy that Percy was being so supportive and proud of them. They couldn't help the feeling of wanting to get more of his affection. 

Thalia was confused because she hadn't felt like that since she became a hunter. She never admitted it to anyone else besides Artemis but she had a thing for Percy before she became a hunter. She did it to escape the prophecy and to not get her heart broken when Annabeth and Percy ended up together. But when she heard that Annabeth and Percy had a breakup after Percy was branded a traitor and she found out he really wasn't, she couldn't help but feel a sense of hope for being with him.

Reyna on the other hand never stopped feeling that way for Percy. On the outside, she might seem like she already got over him, but on the inside was a completely different story. She had to keep herself with a neutral face because she used to be a praetor and after she became a hunter it just hardened it. But now that she wasn't a hunter anymore and Percy gave her a second chance, she had some hope of having a chance with him after everything that has happened. 

Percy headed out to Tartarus to have some time alone to sort his thoughts. He was having a hard time thinking of what to do with Artemis. He might have seen oblivious to everyone's feelings before but he could tell that Artemis was holding her tears of regret back in Yellowstone. The son of Poseidon wanted to give her a second chance but he didn't know why. He hated her for feeding lies to Thalia and Reyna. Now those two were another complete subject

The son of Poseidon had noticed the drastic change in the personality of both of them. They acted more attached to him, and he understood at the beginning because they didn't want to commit the same mistake twice. But he could also tell that Thalia had started to act a bit like before the hunters, yes she was tuff but also really caring for him. Reyna on the other hand kept acting like she usually did before the hunters but could also feel her gaze on him or the unconscious need for her to be near him. As much as he tried to get his thought out of the two of them he couldn't, they were the only ones who saw their mistakes and were trying to do anything to fix them. He also couldn't help but think about how much their bodies changed after leaving the hunters. For some reason, just in a few weeks(time passes differently in Tartarus), their bodies grew with the training and got more mature bodies. 

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