Asher shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I just thought that since you thought we were so innocent, it would stop you from murdering us."

Inugio's sharp teeth flashed in the light. "My ancestors and brother gave their lives protecting the Jh'ai from falling out of the hands of the Axones. They did not show mercy, and neither will I. Do not blame me, but the being inside inside of you for your untimely fate."

Tristen stepped forward hesitantly. "Can't we just give you the alien things? Never asked for it and I would happily give it away."

Diana nodded her head. "For once, I agree with Unicorn Boy."

I turned to face them. "You don't get to choose whether or not you have it," I told them. "If you are its host, then it will be in your possession until it deems otherwise. And no one is going to give up. Your jobs as the Chosen are to protect the Jh'ai, and that is what you must do."

I then pointed to the general. "And you! Do not think what you are doing is noble. My mother and I know of your secret plan to use the Jh'ai against the Krails and gain more power."

"You know not of which you speak," Inugio said. "Yes, I suggested the idea of using the Jh'ai to protect our civilization, but not for the purpose of gaining power. I only had the Axone's best interest at heart. Is that not what a general is entitled to do?"

I gritted my teeth. "You're lying."

"And what proof do you have otherwise, Ms. Aster?"

Anger flared up inside of me. "These three humans are the new holders of the Jh'ai, and I will not allow them to get into your cruel hands."

The general let out a sigh. "If you insist on fighting, then so be it."

General Inugio screeched and the five Axones that were following him formed a circle around us, plasma guns in their hands.

Me, Tristen, Asher, and Diana pressed our backs to each other, facing the Axones.

"I think we can take them," Asher said, holding up his fists with horrible form.

Inugio let out a hideous sound. "Such optimism, yet misplaced."

The general raised a hand, and the Axones pointed their guns at us.

Fear seemed to engulf me. There was nothing I could do. We were sitting ducks, waiting to be butchered.

My mission had failed, even before it could start.

I failed.

A loud crashing noise came from behind me, snapping me out of my self misery. I turned around to see a large creature with a horn charging into the Axones and knocking them to the side.

The Axones shot at it, but the creature seemed unaffected, besides a slight burn on its skin. More Axone soldiers poured out from the ship.

I took this opportunity to take out my gun and tried to shoot Inugio. A wall of ice formed in front of his body right before contact.

Inugio grunted in anger and shot his hand out, knocking my weapon from my hand.

I quickly backed away, searching for something to fight with. While tracking back, I bumped into Diana.

She looked up before closing her eyes. When I blinked Diana was suddenly gone, a bird taking her place. Two new Axones from inside the ship started to shoot at the animal, but it just flew higher. Then it turned around and darted at them. The bird started pecking at one of the soldiers before they could react, causing it to drop its weapon.

Asher stood right behind me, holding his stick out like a sword.

The air got significantly colder, and Inugio walked forward, a mad glint in his eyes.

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