Chapter 12 - Wide Eyes

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Sense and Sensibility! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates on the second and fourth Saturday of each month!

It was an indisputable fact that having a family suited Colonel Brandon.

Since his marriage, he had been loath to leave his house and journey to London whenever it had meant that his wife would be parted from him, but after his children were born, he practically became a recluse.

If Marianne and their daughters couldn't accompany him to a destination, then Christopher desperately tried to avoid taking the journey.

He delighted in parties and picnics where his family was welcome, although he admittedly spent more time conversing with his wife and amusing his little girls than he did mingling with others.

"Besotted." Mrs. Jennings chuckled as she sat next to Elinor one warm spring day and watched the Brandon family during an afternoon social, "Absolutely besotted! Look how attentive he is with Marianne and their little dears!"

Marianne sat on the side of the blanket Christopher had laid down for his family to rest on while he helped Emma and Cecilia gather daisies from the grass to make flower crowns.

He sat beside his wife and listened to their children with the utmost attention, as if every syllable that fell from their little mouths was an enlightening truth he couldn't afford to miss.

"Marianne is very happy, indeed.......I see the Colonel is as well." Elinor nodded as she gazed at her sister.

"And how are you, Mrs. Ferrars?" Mrs. Jennings smirked, "You and Edward have a fine boy, any more on the way?"

"No, I'm afraid not." Elinor laughed at Mrs. Jenning's nosy attitude. She gazed at her sister again as she narrowed her eyes in the bright sunlight while she replied, "Marianne, though....I noticed something in her eyes last night....I don't think she and the Colonel are quite done expanding their family yet."

"Oh?" Mrs. Jennings asked, her interest clearly piqued, "Has she confided in you?"

"No, it's just......It's something I know her sister.....I'm sure you understand, Mrs. Jennings." Elinor nodded.

"My dear, sisters are some of the best detectors of approaching motherhood!" Mrs. Jennings laughed.

As the two women gazed at the Brandon family, Marianne, Christopher, Emma, and Cecilia all failed to notice.

"You hold these, Daddy." Emma ordered as she placed a plethora of daisies into Christopher's large palm, "And I'll hold these ones."

"These." He corrected her as he carefully folded his fingers to secure the delicate flowers his daughter had entrusted to him. He gazed at his little girl with a stoic expression as he vowed, "I shall hold them in my keep until you're ready to use them, my darling."

On the other side of the blanket, little Cecilia frowned at the ground as she poked the surrounding blades of grass with a stick.

The blinding sun glinted off of her pale blonde hair.

Between the brightness of the light and the frothiness of her billowy, pastel dress, the Brandons' youngest child reminded her parents of an adorable little cream puff.

".......Cecilia?" Christopher asked as Emma turned away to resume her task of finding and gathering daisies.

He moved over to his youngest daughter as she looked up with a frown on her small face as he asked, "What's the matter, little one?"

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