Chapter 11 - A Snowy Thirsday Morning

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Sense and Sensibility! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates on the second and fourth Saturday of each month!

Cecilia Elinor Brandon arrived on a snowy Thursday morning.

The fireplaces in the Brandon estate had roared through the night and Marianne had roared along with them.

Christopher had remained by his darling's side for the birth of their second daughter with unwavering loyalty.

Mrs. Dashwood and Elinor had come to stay at the Brandon estate a month prior, which had allowed them to be with Marianne during her second trip to the birthing bed.

As the midwife finished assisting her patient with the final stages of the onerous process, Christopher stared down at the precious newborn his darling held in her arms.

His expression conveyed the same reverent awe it had after Emma's birth, yet Marianne failed to see that through her own worry.

Her skin glistened with the perspiration that soaked her hair and the thin chemise she had worn for the birth as she frowned at Christopher and asked, ".......Are you angry with me?"

He found her question bizarre in that tender moment as his gaze moved from the baby to her face as he asked, "Angry?........Oh, my darling Marianne, how could I possibly be angry with you?"

Marianne groaned while she bore down gently as the midwife continued to help her deliver the afterbirth, "Nnngh....You have two daughters and no heirs.....I.....I didn't bear another girl on purpose, Christopher, I-"

Mrs. Dashwood blotted her daughter's forehead with a dampened cloth as Elinor handed an instrument to the midwife.

"-Marianne." Christopher interrupted as he grasped her free hand.

Marianne sighed tiredly as she looked up into his eyes while he frowned and said, "I care not if you bear sons or daughters.....I view each of our children as a precious gift from you....I swear that I will show the utmost diligence concerning their care until the day I breathe my last."

Christopher raised Marianne's hand to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss to her knuckles as she laughed weakly.

In her arms, the baby let out a quiet coo.

"Would you like to hold her?" Marianne asked Christopher in an exhausted whisper.

It made her smile to notice that he barely took the time to nod in reply before he leaned forward and eagerly scooped his newest little daughter into his arms.

As Colonel Brandon gazed down at his youngest child in loving wonder, their bedroom door creaked open.

Marianne and Christopher looked over to see Emma peering through the crack before footsteps pounded down the hallway.

"Miss Emma! Miss Emma!" They heard Mrs. Millins cry.

The bedroom door swung wide open once their housekeeper caught up to their curious little girl as she snapped, "Come away from there!" Mrs. Millins glanced over at Marianne and Christopher as she quickly apologized, "Forgive me, Mrs. Brandon, Colonel......She scurried up the steps before I could catch her."

"It's alright, Mrs. Millins." Marianne said as she opened her arms and reached out to her daughter, "The babe has already arrived....Let her come in."

Christopher kept his eyes on their eldest child as she walked towards Marianne.

Elinor helped the midwife begin to clean the room while Mrs. Dashwood struggled not to cry tears of joy.

Once Emma approached the bed, Christopher leaned over and returned their newborn to Marianne's arms.

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