Chapter 1 - Happiness

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After a socially acceptable amount of time had passed since Mr. Willoughby's fall from grace, it became a commonly known fact that Marianne Dashwood had at last welcomed Colonel Brandon's courtship.

The more Marianne had contemplated the situation, the more she had felt ashamed of her previous behavior.

It embarrassed her to consider the immaturity she had acted with, along with the foolish blindness which had obscured from her sight the true value of the man who had remained loyal and devoted to her.

Colonel Brandon was neither as dashing nor as outwardly charming as Mr. Willoughby, but Marianne had begun to notice the touching kindness in his mannerisms and the subtle romanticism expressed by his thoughtful gestures.

Christopher's love for Marianne was as true as the rising sun.

The piano he had purchased for her had been a display of his deep affection.

After that, it had been beautiful dresses, fine chocolates, and rare books, all of which he had bought in London and sent to Marianne for her enjoyment.

Marianne spent many days at the Brandon estate, along with her mother and sisters until Elinor left with her new groom.

Colonel Brandon was careful to keep Marianne on his arm throughout the entire event on the day that Elinor became Mrs. Edward Ferrars.

He tried not to stare at the radiance of Marianne's smile, which displayed the genuine happiness she felt for her sister and her new husband.

Once the ceremony had concluded, Marianne and Colonel Brandon drifted through the large reception room as they mingled with one guest after another.

Marianne found the bustling social affair of her sister's wedding to be exciting.

Colonel Brandon found Marianne to be exciting, but he thought the conversations they held with others were rather boring and dry.

Regardless, Marianne seemed amused and that knowledge alone was enough to delight Colonel Brandon.


With the sublime memory of Elinor's recent wedding still fresh on Marianne's mind, Colonel Brandon sought to make his true desires formally known at last.

Elinor and Edward continued their honeymoon during the morning when Colonel Brandon found Marianne sitting on the fine sofa in his parlor as she read from one of the many volumes he owned.

"Good morning, Marianne." Colonel Brandon drawled as he entered the room.

"Good morning, Colonel." Marianne greeted him with a pleasant smile as she looked up from her page.


His heart sank as he heard her utter the word.

He desperately wished that his beloved would call him "Christopher" not "Colonel".

He wanted Marianne to speak his name with her ethereal smile on her lips, with a jovial laugh, and with a long, loud cry while he cradled her in his arms as they coupled in their marriage bed.

Colonel Brandon concealed his feelings as he nodded at the book in Marianne's hands and asked, "Is it to your liking?"

"Oh! Very much, yes!" Marianne replied with a nod and a smile after she briefly glanced back down at the book.

Mrs. Brandon: The Story of Christopher and MarianneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora